Thank you SaLuSa. Thankyou Mike.
*** gavin
Do not underestimate the power you hold. It was you who changed the balance between the dark and Light, and attracted the help of others off planet.
A new beginning has been divinely ordained. Therefore every opportunity is being placed before you, so each soul can make its final choice as to whether or not it desires to Ascend this lifetime.
Many of you had decided even before you came into this incarnation, but many more were uncertain and preferred to make a late decision. As we see it, with our coming and the process of Ascension being explained, it will become easier for those who are in any doubt as to what to do. Ultimately those who still ponder their choice, will have it made for them on the basis that you cannot ascend unless your vibrations are suitable and congruent.
Over the recent period of time, you have seen more and more of our craft in your skies as part of our plan to allow you to become accustomed to us. Yet what you see is but a small fraction of the number of them actively moving around your Earth. Our craft are made invisible to your eyes so as not to overwhelm you, or cause people to become scared. Soon however, it will be safe for us to work openly amongst you and it will be tied in with disclosure
All of the time your dark ones refuse to co-operate with us, we would normally wait until they recognise the futility of their actions. However, they are aware we will not wait indefinitely, and at a certain point will be allowed to enforce their removal and put a stop to their interference.
Overcoming poverty and lack is our first priority, and we want to see people lifted up out of despair and desperation. Happy people will be more co-operative and know that our intentions are for the good of you all.
Please enjoy the article in-full:
(emphasis added)

Many souls are on Earth at this time, to specifically ensure the coming period is instructive and appropriate knowledge is available for those who are seeking. There will be world-wide publicity through various levels of the media, which will have been freed from the restrictions presently in place that prevent free speech. All of these coming changes are planned, and you may be sure that we have adequately covered your needs. Indeed the plans commenced a long, long time ago, as this cycle was always going to successfully end with Ascension.
The nightmare of duality is turning into the dream world where all is in perfect balance and harmony. Each in your own way is contributing to these changes, and you are to be congratulated in holding on to your vision associated with the end-times. Your part in all this is so important and do not underestimate the power that you hold. It was YOU who changed the balance between the dark and Light, and attracted the help of others off planet. In consequence, you have been empowered to a degree that you now have legions of Light behind you. Bear this in mind and do not let the breakdown of your civilisation bring fear into your lives. Changes have to come, and for you in such a low vibration it can have unpleasant effects on your life. These will not however last a lot longer, and knowing this should help you overcome any possible negative response to what happens in your world.
From various sources, the messages are streaming into your Earth, and you will know they are full of encouragement and the promise of success. There has never been a time we have not been present, and monitoring your progress. The Galactic Federation has long been charged with the responsibility to ensure you are safe from outside interference. That has been done and continues right up to today, and in the past it was you who decided which visitors were allowed to visit you. In earlier civilisations, we have in fact had periods of contact where we were really close to you, and spent quite some time working with you on Earth. It was when you reached higher levels of spiritual practise and understanding, and we enjoyed a special relationship with you. Your civilisation has not reached the levels of previous occasions when you were ready to greet us. However, duality by its very nature is always moving in different directions, and the lower energies often follow a period of great spiritual learning.
The difference this time is that it is the end of a solar cycle, and a new beginning has been divinely ordained. Therefore every opportunity is being placed before you, so that each soul can make its final choice as to whether or not it desires to ascend. Many of you had decided even before you came into this incarnation, but many more were uncertain and preferred to make a late decision. As we see it, with our coming and the process of Ascension being explained, it will become easier for those who are in any doubt as to what to do. Ultimately those who still ponder their choice, will have it made for them on the basis that you cannot ascend unless your vibrations are suitable.
Over the recent period of time, you have seen more and more of our craft in your skies as part of our plan to allow you to become accustomed to us. Yet what you see is but a small fraction of the number of them actively moving around your Earth. Our craft are made invisible to your eyes so as not to overwhelm you, or cause people to become scared. Soon however, it will be safe for us to work openly amongst you and it will be tied in with disclosure. All of the time your dark ones refuse to co-operate with us, we would normally wait until they recognise the futility of their actions. However, they are aware that we will not wait indefinitely, and at a certain point will be allowed to enforce their removal and put a stop to their interference. As time passes even quicker, the importance of moving on with our plan is becoming evident to us all. You may therefore be assured that action is about to commence.
In some way,s it is perhaps better from your point of view that once the changes commence, that they go speeding along. After patiently waiting for quite a long time, it will be very satisfying to see it all quickly happening. That way the degree of inconvenience to you will be minimised, and the benefits will come your way in rapid succession. Overcoming poverty and lack is our first priority, and we want to see people lifted up out of despair and desperation. Happy people will be more co-operative and know that our intentions are for the good of you all. To change conditions from what you have been used to and lift you up a level is no mean task, but we have all the resources prepared. The joy and happiness on your faces will do more for us than any other response. You are wonderful souls that deserve everything that is shortly to lift you up, out of the gloom and drudgery of your dimension. You will retain fond memories of times when your lives were enhanced, and relationships were happy. However, over many lives you have experienced hardships and sorrow that are best left behind. Eventually they will fall from your memory bank, and by then you will have risen up to the higher levels and live in the peace of Love and Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope you keep your heads up high and see how much your lives will change for the better. Of that you are assured, and the past will rapidly fade away as you step into the Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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