Thank you Mother Akasha and Julie for this pertinent message!
And so it is.
*** gavin
Allow Your True-self to Shine - A Message from Mother Akasha
(emphasis added)

Yes, there much work to do yet as each of you are at different stages and each of you will complete each challenge and learn each lesson as you are meant to. You have been working hard, repairing the disconnection between you and your true self and with God. There is no need to rush children. All will be reached as they are meant to, rushing will not make the future come any quicker.
This is the time to face yourself, look in the mirror and see what is there below the makeup and pretty clothes. Your true spirit is not about how pretty or handsome you are. It's about your compassion, your ability to love unconditionally, learning your lessons and moving past them, leaving the pain behind. Your true spirit self is about being honest with one’s self and not hide behind transparent walls. We of the Divine are able to see of you, your true selves underneath all the fronts and masks. It is time to start taking off those masks and allow your true self shine.
I see this as being painful for some as they have worn masks for quite some time. But it is worth it children. The weight of those masks can be quite heavy to your spirit. Your spirit is meant to be light and to soar. You have decorated your walls and adorned very pretty masks created by you, its time to let your real self out. Allow your spirit to be free and light.
Once you are ready to commit living through your heart and loving unconditionally you are admitting that every beautiful soul on this planet is deserving of your love. You will no longer be choosey who you send your love to. You will be able to accept all for who they are. You will no longer condemn another for what THEY believe to be true, instead you will accept and love them for their differences. When you live with pure love that is from your heart, you simply are living purely out of your good and compassionate heart.
Living through your heart and loving unconditionally children, requires you to be honest with yourself. This requires you to go into yourself and accept what you find regardless of what it is. Any negative you find can be turned into a positive. Living honestly and with love from the purest depth of your being is where this is leading dear ones. Once you are able to drop your walls, you will be opening yourself to your higher self and to being able to receive not only unconditional love but the most precious love of all - Divine Love.
Finding yourself and loving yourself will be one your biggest tasks. Bringing yourself back and reconnecting to the Source of all, to God and to yourself is what needs to be done. This does require hard work as it requires you to be honest with yourself. The Guides you seek during this time, regardless if they are angels, Masters, or other deities you look to for comfort, support and guidance will not be able to do more than they already do. It is you that has to choose what path to take next. It is you that will feel what resonates to be true within yourself. It is you that has to remove any old ideals that no longer serve you well, no one else dear ones. You already carry all the strength inside of you that will get you through this. The task may seem daunting dear ones, but the rewards far outweigh the tasks at hand. You will see as you move along your journey, bringing yourself back home.
There is so much in store in the coming year of 2012. The coming year not only is bringing in one of the most exciting Golden Ages yet, it will also bring opportunity for the ones that are already awakened to express their Christ consciousness openly. Don't rush the energies that are coming or try to peek into the future because the future has a habit of changing. Work with what is in front of you dear ones knowing there is a beautiful future just around the corner and you will reach this future, all of you will, its only a matter of Time. Work through your challenges and learn your lessons well. I see some of you already need to work on your patience or lack of a bit more and it will all come together. Believe in yourself as we of the Divine believe in you. This kind of belief comes from practice of accepting yourself and trusting yourself. Learn each part at a pace that is suituable for you.
Go along your journey always living through your heart with the purest of intent as there is no other way if you are living honestly. Live your life showing love in all you do. The compassion and mercy that is inside of you will come out in your gestures and with your kindness towards all people of this wonderful planet. Open your heart and your mind to the fullest. This is not time for closed hearts or minds. It is ever more important now to work together, instead of fighting each other. Look within yourself and find that your mind is illuminated by the love and by the light of your own heart.
I AM Akasha and I love you.
Channeler: Julie Miller
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