*** gavin
Working Together with Ascended Master, Serapis Bey

It is so important now dear ones to learn to live in harmony with others around you. As you walk this journey and transition through the many changes caused by the challenges you have faced, you will notice you will seek support from your peers. And they very likely will seek support from you. With so much change going on in your world, it is important dear ones to support one another.
Yes, there will be times that you will be greatly tested. You will have many obstacles to face. You will come across people that do not see your way, and maybe you do not see theirs either. This is not an opportunity for you to argue or have heated discussions about who is right or wrong. Work together. Show respect, not lack of. You cannot force someone to accept what you find to be true. What is true for you, may not be the same for another dear ones.
By supporting one another and accepting another person's beliefs will assist you to living in harmony with yourself and those around you. Being able to excel in this, you would be living through your heart, and showing your love in all you do. We are working towards the world becoming more harmonized, working together, supporting one another and being loving towards yourselves and to the many people that inhabit this beautiful planet.
You begin with yourself dear ones. Know yourself and what makes you special. I already know this, but it is you that needs to find those answers if you do not already know. Begin by making I AM statements, believe in them as they speak of your wonderful characteristics, what makes you, YOU. It is important to believe in yourself first dear ones. Just like loving yourself is important before you can love others. All of you are very capable of being supportive, comforting and very loving.
Allow the love of God to enter your being. Open your heart and your soul to his endless light and love for all of you. Find peace within this light and within yourself. Move forward each day with determination to work together with those in your life regardless of the dynamics. Find solutions to work around ones that do not share your beliefs. Always show the love that is within you through your gestures. Don't be so quick to criticize another person for not being able to understand your point of view, accept them and love them for their individuality. It will take great discipline and effort to make this work, but you will feel better for it. Working harmonously together is much more enjoyable.
It is commendable to all of you that are on this journey, a path into the Light of yourself and to God. It is not always an easy path, as some of you have noticed. There are many dips in the road. It is important dear ones to maintan calm and resist the urge to panic. When you give in to panic, you open yourself up to negative thoughts and emotions, which is also energy draining. Grasp a stone, a crystal or something that will help calm you and bring you back to the present and thinking clearly.
All of you are loved so completely by me. I support you, I comfort you and I love you. I depart now with those words, and trust all of you will continue to work on supporting, comforting and loving each other.
And so it is, Ascended Master, Serapis Bey
Channeler: Julie Miller
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