Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan for these awe-inspiring days to come!
*** gavin
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

The crucial element involves returning government to the people. Over the centuries, governments have favored those who had the time or money to develop 'special relationships' with members of the legislature and/or the executive branch. These special relationships have warped government and need to be dissolved. Our Earth allies have created a taskforce to come up with solutions to this fundamental dilemma to modern governance. We have asked that the new caretaker governments immediately implement those items approved by this taskforce, and these have now been included in the agreements that were officially signed a few months ago by more than 160 nations. Our desire is to see your governments become capable of 'listening,' and then enacting laws that are agreed upon by the vast majority of their citizenry. The era of government by and for a select, affluent few needs to be swiftly ended. This constitutes an essential step toward the way galactic society governs itself.
The arrest and coming trial of this dark cabal is being done to make a very important point. The karma created by the dark since the end of the Second World War needs to be properly addressed by the Light. This war saw the ascendency of the illuminoid factions of the United States, while Europe took a back seat to the interaction between the Anunnaki overlords and the American cabal. This situation encouraged these US factions to defy their off-world masters when these ones departed, and to disregard their injunction to follow their lead and allow those individuals seeking the return of the Light to be given the reins of command. This bidding was strongly resisted and resulted in the 'difficulties' that are only now being successfully abated. It is this prolonged mêlée which has created the karma that the coming trials are to wash away. The new caretaker governments will move your reality in the proper direction, the one leading to disclosure and the path to full consciousness for Gaia and for each one of you!
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to inform you that the time for your deliverance arrives. The dark has done all that it can do to delay the inevitable. Our associates have completed their preliminaries, and the time is upon us for the unveiling of your new reality! We have watched as our Agarthan friends beat down the many plans hatched by the dark that were designed to perpetrate their reign. We are preparing ourselves for first contact and the wonderful announcements that are to follow. Meanwhile, those assigned to take charge of your various new temporary governments are ready to assume command. The first broadcasts they make will address those measures necessary to transition you from your present state of disorder into the joyous realm that awaits you. This new realm is your glorious destiny! Here is where we can all meet and celebrate the return to your world of the Light in its full glory!
What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages.
The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself. Become aware of how your reality is subtly changing. Each moment, a grand blessing from Heaven raises your world's frequency level slightly, causing her to reform and become what the Divine is flooding her with. Realities are like water: When you combine Love with divine intention in your blessings, it alters the characteristics of water and even its composition. The same is true of a reality. As a reality is reshaped by your collective Love and divine intentions, it begins to transform swiftly into something more suitable for a return to full consciousness. This is now happening, and you are inexorably on a fast track to full consciousness. Namaste!
Today, we discussed the happenings on your world. Numerous events are ready to manifest which will literally morph your reality, and which will provide a huge impetus to the transition of your political domain and an opening to the Divine. A great spiritual catharsis is ready to uplift your world and lead you back to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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