Forever Assured

I’ll happily greet disclosure and open landings of our star family when we humans have sufficiently lightened the collective vibration and brought about change, but with this strong and solidified personal connection I can say that I don’t need to see a ship to know in my mind and heart that this is all real.
I used to look toward external validations of everything I know and can feel within, and looking back, I’ve actually been given quite a few great validations of the reality of the existence of the spiritual realms, the Galactics and Angelics, etc.
Even still, I’ve come to learn that I possess the complete ability to glimpse the spiritual realms and be refreshed about their reality. No more do I look toward disclosure, which I’ll happily welcome when it does inevitably come, to reinforce my assurance of the reality of what I believe and know.
Speaking from personal experience, I can say that I used to look toward disclosure, prosperity packages and myriad other things to initiate for me what I thought would be a better future than my present.
There were things about myself and my reality that I was unsatisfied with, and instead of reaching within I allowed myself to seek externally and look toward something happening in my outward reality. I hadn’t realized that even if something spectacular did happen, the problems I had with my existence would’ve still been difficult.
I still had (and still have) Life path work to do, and with the personal expansion I’ve been blessed with undergoing, I can say that I’m very glad to have been allotted all of this extra time to grow into the heightened and refined version of myself that’s developing.
Whereas I looked toward external manifestations or events before, now I’ve been able to unlock infinite bliss and wholeness with myself and my existence. I’ve been able to recognize the perfection of this Now moment, and I find my personally held spiritual perceptions continuing to expand.
What a joy the initial bold events that’ll help shock our collective back into awareness will be, but if they didn’t happen in the next year I’d remain at (or increase) the level of devotion and service I choose to give to humanity’s awakening.
I’ve experienced far too much validation for my faith to wane over any external circumstances, because I’ve tapped back into deeper troths of consciousness and understanding that constantly remind me that Love, joy and bliss drive our existence.
Yes, there’s much that could be seen as “lower” plaguing our planet, but we can address and heal it all from a neutral and Loving higher-dimensional standpoint.
In concluding this writing, I’ll express what I feel is the importance of searching within to find true and lasting perception of the higher dimensions. Channeled messages and inspired writings concerning spirituality could help you quite a bit, but they’re only previews; teasers if you will, to the awesome spiritual perception you can gain within.
Recognize your brimming potential to re-access the higher realms, because we’re being told that our barriers and veils are diminishing to nothing.
by Wes Annac – Forever assured of the reality of our existence.
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