Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Most of you have noticed, I enjoy using this blog to push the envelop, to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, and to constantly question your beliefs.

None of this is personal --just a tool, just a vehicle-- allowing you and me an opportunity to engage, discuss and ponder ideas and concepts we normally wouldn't through the small talk of email or short phone conversations, especially since our lives are so very busy making ends meet and dealing with this thing we call "life."

True to my passion, I'll seize this opportunity to mention reincarnation.  Growing up Roman Catholic, I was taught reincarnation does not exist.  Yet, exploring other religions and cultures, reincarnation is very much alive outside of Catholicism and Christianity. In its truest sense, Christ Jesus REINCARNATED by rising from the dead, as the story explains: Three days after he was crucified on Easter morning.

How ironic! Catholics are taught reincarnation doesn't exist, and yet most Catholics do not see clearly that Christ in fact REINCARNATED and is "seated at the Right Hand of the Father. He will come AGAIN in glory, to judge the living and the dead. His Kingdom will have no end."

We recite that week after week, proclaiming Christ will come again: REINCARNATION! And yet we still pretend reincarnation is not real silly and short-sighted we are sometimes.

Reincarnation IS the way of the world. We die. We review our life, the good times and the bad. And with our Angels and Guides, we plan our NEXT LIFETIME upon this Earth School looking forward to the new lessons of the next lifetime.  HOW ELSE WOULD IT BE? How else could it be?

Life has meaning. Lifetime after lifetime teaches us what we need to learn. We are not born --without purpose-- just to exist, to work like slaves, and then we die ...and everything goes black: NOTHING. How ridiculous would that be? What a colossal waste, if THAT were our purpose and meaning of living, right?

Every action has a reaction order to maintain balance, in order to achieve homeostasis. And as such, once we hurt someone (in tiny or large ways), we incur karma to right that wrong, to maintain balance in the world. Sometimes we cannot fulfill that newly incurred karma within the same lifetime, so it is postponed and reserved for your next lifetime ...and so it is: On and on goes the cycle of karma, lifetime after lifetime until we ultimately learn NOT TO HURT OTHERS.

Finally, we are able to catch up with our karma (IF WE CONTINUE TO GROW AND PROGRESS LIFETIME AFTER LIFETIME) and can start a life KARMA-FREE!!  Wow, what a concept. And guess what, folks?  Now, another opportunity has arrived for those interested in ending our cycle of karma and finally going back Home, where we belong, in the Higher Dimensions away from the anger, hatred, envy and blaming of Duality here on the Earth School!

Please read on to learn more.
the messenger

Sending Light & Love to all.

"Working things out and attempting to understand them is part of the game of separation that has enthralled and mystified you for so long in Duality on the Earth School.  But it has also constantly set you against one another in your endless struggles to be right, to be first, to be best....

"Now that is all changing as you allow Love entry into your hearts, bringing with It increasing awareness that the way you have been living and relating to one another (or not) throughout your known history — and way before that — is and has always been a recipe for disaster, which is why humanity has experienced so many of them.  And while this new awareness, this new way of perceiving, is causing you pain and anguish as you look around and see so much of humanity suffering horrendously in its never-ending struggle for survival, your awareness is what is enabling you to CHANGE your intent, your collective intent, and bring all this insanity to an end."

This is a “heaven-sent” opportunity to short-circuit the wheel of karma

We have often talked about Love — capital L — and yet the meaning of that word is really not only very difficult for you to understand, it is quite impossible for you to understand.  We have said that It is the life-force, the divine creative intent, the field in which all of creation has its existence, and to attempt to speak of any of those concepts is to immediately put a limit on That which is utterly limitless.

When you Awaken, you will understand.  But until then, you might find it helpful to think of Love as the space in which all the galaxies that you might refer to as the “known universe” have their existence, along with all that is invisible and immeasurable at your present level of spiritual and scientific awareness.  And that idea only makes it possible for you to think that you have a handle on It, when in fact It is beyond comprehension.  Here in the spiritual realms, we have a better notion or perception of It, but even our understanding of Love, of our Father/Mother/God, is nowhere near complete because it is impossible to understand the ineffable, the limitlessness that is God.

He shows us constantly that we are loved, cherished, and of inestimable value, because we are constantly enveloped in and embraced by His energy field, His Love, where we want for nothing, and anything that we can conceive of is instantly present.  It is a state of sublime joy and happiness which can only be experienced.  It is beyond comprehension, except by Itself — God, the Source of all being — because of Its nature which has always been.  As the Bible states, “Before Abraham was, I am . . .” There was no beginning, there is no end, God IS.

With humanity’s love of puzzles, and its delight in solving them and in working things out by reason and logic, many have spent lifetimes attempting to understand and explain God instead of just sinking into the warmth of His loving embrace.  Working things out and attempting to understand them is part of the game of separation that has enthralled and mystified you for so long in Duality on the Earth School.  But it has also constantly set you against one another in your endless struggles to be right, to be first, to be best.

Now that is all changing as you allow Love entry into your hearts, bringing with It increasing awareness that the way you have been living and relating to one another (or not) throughout your known history — and way before that — is and has always been a recipe for disaster, which is why humanity has experienced so many of them.  And while this new awareness, this new way of perceiving, is causing you pain and anguish as you look around and see so much of humanity suffering horrendously in its never-ending struggle for survival, your awareness is what is enabling you to CHANGE your intent, your collective intent, and bring all this insanity to an end.

Increasing awareness indicates the initial stages of Awakening, and for that be glad.  You are changing yourselves and the world, and you are, therefore, bringing in the new age for which all have been longing.  You are not alone as you each work your way through this process of increasing awareness, heart-opening, and, finally, Awakening, because you have abundant assistance available to you on every step of the path you have each individually chosen to follow on your way Home.

True, there is only one path, but to each one of you it appears in a different form that is tailored to your individual needs and choices, and for that it is totally appropriate.  As I have mentioned before, your path is your path, and either to envy another’s or to gloat over the apparent pain that another’s is causing him is not only unloving, it is a time-wasting distraction that seriously delays your own spiritual evolution.

Within the Illusion you can, and many have, spent lifetimes doing just that. However, at this moment in humanity’s history there is a “heaven-sent” opportunity to short-circuit the wheel of karma, to obliterate it from your lives, and, by embracing loving attitudes and behaviors, Awaken once more into your natural state as a divine being ablaze with the Light of God.  That Light desires only to shine forth through you, as you and your Father have always intended, bringing sublime peace and happiness to all who experience Its loving warmth, which of course includes you!

Your task remains one of discarding old attitudes, behaviors, and excess emotional baggage as you open your awareness to the true meaning and purpose of human life — which is to Awaken into the Love that surrounds you, waiting for you to accept Its loving embrace.  The way to acceptance of what is constantly divinely offered to you is by relaxing into a prayerful or meditative state, even if only for a moment, frequently during the day.  It is your assured path to your Awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.
by John Smallman

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