*** gavin
Prudent Caution and Encouragement to Study NESARA

Given the information in Stephen’s article of today on OANDA’s halting of market trading June 17 for a day (http://the2012scenario.com/2012/06/oanda-halts-trading-this-sunday-plus-rumour-of-euro-crash/), plus rumors of the collapse of the Euro, it may be prudent again to consider having a modest reserve of cash, food and supplies on hand.
I’ve advised this so many times and nothing has happened that I feel a little abashed doing it again. But we do know that the old economy is going to fall at some point and we also know that NESARA (the new economy described in the American National Economic Security and Reformation Act) or the abundance program will follow it in an efficient manner shortly thereafter.
We have only the gap to see to and that could be a few days or possibly a week or two.
There is no need for alarm. There is a need to calm others down. And there is a need to have reasonably accurate information to dispense about NESARA. I say “reasonably” because no one knows the exact details about NESARA. I’ll attach a reading list on NESARA at the foot of this article.
In terms of food, canned foods, powdered milk, rice, beans, and bottled water seem advisable. Diapers, medicines, and cleaning items as well. I’ll leave the comments field open in case anyone wants to do abetter job of reporting on what might be needed.
This is a good time to read up on NESARA. People will want to know this information.
Reading List
From First Contact database:“NESARA” at http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/nesara1.html
From the 2012 Scenario site
- People Being Prepared for the Beginning of NESARA?
- Ch. 1. Introduction
- Ch. 2. NESARA’s History
- Ch. 3. Recent Times
- Ch. 4. Earth Allies
- Ch. 5. NESARA’s Benefits
- Ch. 6. NESARA’s Range
- Ch. 7. Economic Meltdown
- Ch. 8. Remaining Work
- What is NESARA?
- What is the “Abundance Program”?
- NESARA: The Financial Side of a World That Works for Everyone
- Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA (Very good)
- Nancy B. Detweiler: NESARA Rights the Unthinkable Wrongs Perpetrated On the American People & the World (Very good)
- An Hour with an Angel Transcript of Conversation with St. Germain March 19, 2012
- Matthew Ward: Special NESARA Edition, 2003 and 2005
- SaLuSa: Massive Changes are Coming that will Provide the Answers to Present Problems
- SaLuSa: You are to Move into Abundance in the Very Near Future
- SaLuSa on the Spiritual Hierarchy and NESARA
- Saul: The New Worldwide Monetary and Financial System
- Where are Matters at with NESARA?
- Some Provisions of the NESARA Act
- Follow the Gold
- Yes, Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars are Being Stored. Gold too.
- Fear on Wall Street and in Global Markets
- The James Martinez Video Was Not a Hoax
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