Thank you David and your Guides ...and so it is!
*** gavin

by David Wilcock
I am still recovering from two solid months on the road -- taking me through Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, a brief respite with the flu in Los Angeles, then New Zealand, four cities in Australia in two weeks, one day off, then an all-weekend event in New York.
It was quite an adventure to do this many conferences in such a short time. Reviewing the material again and again, and continuing to present it in a live context, really helped it to integrate and process within me on a much deeper level.
I did end up with inflammation on my right eyelid -- bordering on becoming a stye -- and some rather significant jet lag and fatigue, where I hammer out 12 hours of sleep at a time and still feel tired when I get up.
Nonetheless, the eyelid is clearing up and I'm starting to be able to capture my dreams again, which has been a very valuable source of data over the years.
In the meantime, while I was in Australia I heard credible insider reports, from the highest levels, that the US dollar is within weeks, not months, of collapsing -- and the Euro is even closer.
My dreams seem to be mirroring this information as well. I keep hearing that massive changes are imminent -- almost every morning.
I see this as a positive shift. Until the oxygen has been cut off, the Federal Reserve cabal still has power to do great damage to anyone who dares stand in its way.
I have been told that the liens we posted here at Divine Cosmos against the Federal Reserve and its strongest member states in Europe are directly responsible for helping to accelerate these economic changes -- which I believe is a good thing.
The liens are of no value unless there is a significant force using them to accomplish its objectives. That force is the 143-nation alliance backing the return of massive amounts of gold that was seized from the world in the 1920s and 30s by the Federal Reserve.
The liens we posted on this site have apparently been used as a legal precedent to lock the Federal Reserve out of the international financial system, behind the scenes.
I have posted these liens on my website using my real legal name, and have continued making public appearances, fully aware of the potential consequences. I would not have done it if I did not feel it were absolutely necessary to take these risks.
Things may have to get worse, economically, before they get better. We may have to see some sort of collective "dark night of the soul" event, in which we seem to be at an "all is lost" point, before the changes we need to see will actually manifest.
Nonetheless, given the time windows we are now working in, that moment seems to be arriving.
In the past, when I wrote brief updates, a small percentage of my audience would become so angry that I effectively stopped writing anything unless it was substantial in size and scope -- in the hopes of reducing the severity of abuse I endured each day.
Admittedly, this was due to the fact that I would actually read every comment, positive or negative, that came in, including every one that did not pass moderation.
It was psychologically overwhelming to see 15-20 violently hateful messages a day, every day. I felt badly for Karen Klein, the abused bus monitor, and sent her a healthy donation after seeing her story. I know what it's like.
The sarcasm, spite, violent threats and astonishingly intense hatred has had quite an effect on me. Most people would probably have collapsed from it -- at least on a psychological level.
My friend's death in April made me really do a lot of thinking about what kind of life I want to be living day by day, and what kind of influences I want to expose myself to in the course of this work.
Roughly since the time I arrived in the Netherlands, I am no longer reading hateful / critical comments. Not even one. Everything is now being filtered by the moderators before I ever get a look at it.
I will continue to do my best to provide the highest quality investigations, and use my own common sense, intuition and hard work to produce results that I feel are worthy of your time to peruse.
I used to get an independent email with each comment that was submitted, and read those emails as they came in. Not anymore.
Particularly since I picked up the Financial Tyranny investigation last November, the hate has become so overpowering and voluminous that it is absolutely vital that I avoid exposing myself to it in order continue to be able to write on the Internet at all -- at least for now.
Now that I will no longer have to see verbal abuse for writing a brief update, I will take the numerous suggestions that have come in to "keep you in the loop," even if I don't have time to say much, rather than to just say nothing.
I must say that having lived the last month without constant abuse has been a truly marvelous, soul-renewing experience for me -- and has given me the space to integrate my friend's death.
Soon after I got back, while I was still sleeping 12-hour nights and recovering from powerful fatigue, I got private emails saying Drake had been told that the mass arrests of Cabal members would occur some time before Independence Day, July 4th.
I called Drake as soon as I was functional, after seeing these reports. I wanted to find out exactly what was going on, directly from him, rather than listening to any radio show -- as it certainly had all the hallmarks of a great story.
What he told me was that three different insider sources -- each of which have senior military clearance -- independently told him that they are about to begin mass arrests of senior Cabal conspirators within days.
The other significant data point was that apparently Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh were given similar information, and told to keep quiet until it starts actually happening.
I must say that I did NOT hear similar information from any of my own insiders. Further follow-ups and checking have not changed this.
I cannot change the fact that my intel does not line up with Drake's at this point.
I do know there are moves being planned that are very significant and exciting. I am involved with some of them, to a degree. Significant legal documents have already been posted exclusively on this website.
However, these new moves are not going to occur within such a short window of time -- based on what I have heard.
The most recent "good intel" that I heard was that it was being done gradually, in stages -- and the idea of doing it all at once had essentially been voted out.
We do seem to be in a narrow window -- but I highly doubt any arrests will happen until we see some real economic bloodletting first. That is the "window event" that must precede action, in order to garner the greatest public support.
People have to realize there is a problem -- a very powerful, overwhelming, outrageous problem -- before they will see that "business as usual" only benefits the people who are running the show.
Therefore, I did not rush to make a public statement, because I cannot independently confirm these reports from the insiders I know and trust. I would be happy if it happens, but not surprised if it doesn't.
So let's assume that nothing happens between now and the end of July 4th. If this is the case, Drake will have to issue an embarrassing retraction and public apology.
If it does actually happen, I will be the first to celebrate -- and will be very glad that I was wrong, and this time it actually was not another upset. I certainly do not mind publishing these statements in advance if it really happens.
Let's bear in mind that guys like Drake and me have NO control over this situation. We do not have any direct involvement in what is being done, how it is being done or when it is being done.
Simply put, we hear information, we pass it along if we feel it is appropriate, and if the information proves not to be true, the people who told us this information remain safely anonymous -- whereas we are publicly castigated in the process.
I asked Drake if it were possible that he had been lied to, deceived, or otherwise used as a pawn by being told something like this.
He did not rule it out as a possibility. He also said he did not want to dwell on it, because focusing on it as a potential reality could make it more likely to turn out that way.
Providing that nothing happens in the next four days, there are a couple of reasons for why this could have been done.
First of all, Drake did not go into detail with me about who these sources are. I do believe he is telling me the truth about what they said, and I do believe he is telling the truth about the trust they have built up with him.
However, it is also possible that things are not as they seem.
Drake doesn't want to go down these roads, but I am willing to, because we have been totally "set up" here for a major upset -- and I don't want to see that happen.
Drake was given this information in the morning and told he could not go public with it until his radio show that evening.
That gave him several hours to build up an enormous amount of enthusiasm and excitement before airtime.
If someone were seeking to psychologically manipulate him for maximum effect, this would be a great way to do it.
Let's start with the premise that the people Drake spoke to are real people, not conspirators, who have earned his trust and generally want to do the right thing.
It is possible that these insiders who spoke to Drake have been threatened with death if they did not share this blatantly untrue information with him.
All it would take is getting in touch with three different people who are in Drake's normal circle of contacts -- and threatening them.
The purpose could then be to utterly destroy the credibility of the whole "mass arrests" concept.
In one sudden move -- with a very rapid expiration date -- you crush everyone who has been tracking and supporting this story, and demolish all their hard work.
By releasing this dramatic, exciting story, you also destroy the "me too" channelers whose intuitive "sources", flying about in silvery round airliners in the clouds, immediately "verify" the information is correct.
Most channeling is 10-15 percent accurate intuitive information. This gives it enough of an edge, with provably weird and wonderful stuff, that there is a great story there.
The remaining 85-90 percent is influenced by the conscious mind's wants, needs and desires -- including any strong beliefs.
Having done readings myself since 1996, I know how extraordinarily difficult it is to follow good remote viewing protocols, and utterly avoid tracking or understanding any of the material as it comes in.
I revealed the full extent of the protocols I use to get results in the Access Your Higher Self video series. Normally it costs thousands of dollars to be trained in these protocols, but I held nothing back in this case.
The most important and most difficult protocol is to get into a meditative state so deep that you can convey words without having any awareness of what they actually mean. You just listen and convey, listen and convey, for a half-hour or more.
Admittedly, it is outrageously difficult to do this well. This is why the spectacular performance witnessed in the Edgar Cayce readings seems to have never been duplicated, except in a few rare instances such as the Law of One series.
The Cayce Readings set the bar very, very high -- 14,000 documented cases where people got a complete medical diagnosis and treatment plan off of nothing more than a submission of their name and address.
If you follow the protocols and do it properly, you should be able to get fairly decent results within a year or two of dedicated work.
I do not attempt to do readings unless I am free of stress and deadlines, and therefore can reasonably assure a clean feed. This almost never happens. Therefore I almost never attempt to do readings anymore.
I use my dreams for the vast majority of my intuitive data now. This is because I either remember them or I don't. If I remember them, I know I have "clean" data that was not damaged by my conscious mind.
Then, the question is how to interpret the data. This requires an understanding of the language of dreaming. I did also give a strong overview of what I have learned, after 20 years of doing this every day, in the Access Your Higher Self video series.
My dream data has continued to tell me, quite blatantly, that we are not far away from seeing some amazing stuff -- involving the downfall of the Cabal, followed by Disclosure -- in rapidly-accelerating increments.
Nonetheless, as Carla Rueckert, the instrument for the Law of One series, so often said: "It is very, very easy to do channeling. It is very, very difficult to do channeling well."
A cursory Google search reveals the "me too" effect has already started happening in the channeling community -- and everyone who hops on the bandwagon will sustain heavy damage.
If Drake was deceived, this type of a move also weakens the actual people who are working to make these arrests a reality -- not just those like Drake who are publicly reporting on it.
By taking down the original messenger and all those who side with him and believe he "must" be right, the movement is destroyed -- and very few people even believe it anymore.
This is also when the sarcastic, witty, tongue-in-cheek attacks go out in the mainstream media and among the "paid bloggers" who are hired to look like real, financially needy, independent investigators and journalists online.
Once the day comes and goes, the bought-and-sold writers jump right in and have great fun with this. They get their readers to scoff and laugh at the "lunatics" and "tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists" who actually believed such nonsense.
Underneath the laughter is a sinister message -- continually reinforced by a mind-control technique called "psychic driving." It is important that this remain subconscious, so as to not be too blatant:
"Of course, ha ha ha, our overlords are all-powerful, can never be defeated, will never be defeated, and really want what's best for us, minus a few billion people -- so let's all laugh at the idiots who risked their little lives to try to put an end to it."
Meanwhile, the "truth" guys step up with the Voice of Reason, and continue to reinforce how we are expected to believe only in perpetual fear and darkness.
A solution must exist, somewhere, somehow -- but it's so impossible and far away that we can't even really articulate any possible way it could ever actually happen. The best we can do is stay perpetually angry and terrified.
UFO investigator Dr. Steven Greer and I have had long conversations about the many thousands of "DDT" campaigns that have been waged against those who seek to uncover the truth.
"DDT" stands for "Decoy, Distract and Trash." The idea is that they put out information that is similar to the truth, but is not the truth. This information is a "decoy" that will "distract" people from the real information.
Then, the "trash" part is that the decoy information is attacked.
Generally the information will include obvious holes that the original investigator did not take time to uncover, in his or her breathless enthusiasm to go public.
Then, if the real information ever comes out, people will not notice the difference, and think it must all now be fake.
In a case like this, if people no longer believe a Mass Arrests scenario is real, they may fail to act when it actually starts happening -- thereby giving the enemy a greater advantage.
Secondly, even if the people who told this to Drake are indeed the "good guys," they may have done this to improve their tactical readiness for such an event.
Simply put, we may now be witnessing the implementation of an end-stage plan that was worked into the design all along.
From the beginning, Drake said he would be given a very short notice as to when the arrests would actually happen.
By setting it up like this, the planners get to see what events actually take place when the Cabal conspirators believe their time has come.
What do they do? Who do they call? Where do they run? What's their ultimate contingency plan?
As military strategists, the guys planning the mass arrests have no problem with casualties -- including the credibility of the people they asked to deliver the message.
In terms of the greater good that is served, you "shake the bush and watch all the snakes come out," as Drake has said before.
Whether this is true or not, Drake told me that his insiders said that "every light in the Washington DC offices was on all night" after the alert was issued -- and that they are now "scared shitless and don't know what to do."
I admire Drake for his courage, intelligence and dedication to freedom. All I'm doing here is getting his back in the event that this does not happen.
If it does happen, then we will all celebrate. I will feel great relief and will probably sleep even more than 12 hours that night, regardless of my excitement and desire to check for new updates.
If it doesn't happen, we can learn from this experience without falling for the classic DDT counter-intelligence maneuver, and suddenly think the entire story was nonsense all along.
Personally, I know I already had very detailed intel about this plan before Drake ever came along. He has added information to the picture and I did have him checked out to confirm that he was "real" and has credibility.
Rather than continuing to write and write, I will end it here for now. That way I will save some of the other amazing things I heard for our post-Independence day window.
Suffice it to say that the stakes in this battle are very, very high. Up until about two weeks ago, I did not understand exactly how high they really were, or how monumental of an event it really will be once this has been resolved.
Given the extraordinary stakes, we can expect that all the best and most classic counter-intelligence tactics will be out in full force as we get close to the end here.
There is no doubt that both the Euro and the dollar are extremely exposed. Once they fall, that's it as far as the Cabal is concerned. They will not be able to stop the public from rising up.
99 OUT OF 100...
I think this is all much simpler than we realize. If you have a sealed room of 100 people, where 99 of them are starving and 1 of them has all the food, no level of voodoo and mind-games will hold off the 99 for very long.
That's where we're at. Yes... they have a Luciferian / Biblical Antichrist aspect that scares the crap out of people, and that's part of why they've been so successful... but even that is no longer sufficient to stop people from rising up.
Believe me -- once this all comes out in the open, people will be very, very freaked out by the negative aspects of the story.
That's where you come in. You can help others stay calm and know that even though this really was happening, and some people really do these things, we can still emerge from this intact, and heal our planet.
I feel very positive and confident about our future, and a great sense of relief that we are this close to major change.
Once I get more rested and caught up with other deadlines, I will tell you some of the other amazing things I have uncovered.
Thanks again for all your support -- as it is most definitely needed in these changing times.
by David Wilcock
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