Fortunately, their literal reign of terror IS OVER! Now man and woman alike must wake up and smell the coffee, shake out the cobwebs, and reclaim your God-given inherent power being a Child of God/dess living in integrity loving and helping one another.
One thing I truly appreciate about astrology is the science (specifically astronomy) behind it all. People worldwide say they "don't believe in astrology, or their birth sign." But what they clearly do not know is it's simply a study of observations of incidents which occurred at that specific time of the year. It's just a list of world events ...and some very observant individuals over the centuries were keen to similar events happening at the same times (or seasons) of the year ("end of lesson" :^D)! Way back in the day, for example, someone simply noticed that each spring there are major governmental changes happening, or that around each New Year, there are wars that were initiated. Astrology is simply the recording of events which happened at a similar time or season. There's no voodoo, no magic, no curses ...just relating patterns of behavior and events which occurred throughout our history.
Barbara Hand Clow gives a wonderful account of current planet alignments and their effects upon our world. Do enjoy!
Taurus New Moon: May 3, 2011 View Chart
2:51:30 AM EDT, Washington, DC

Since the collective field seems to challenge our personal lives so greatly now, we begin with a look at world events in light of the Universal Underworld time acceleration. [See The Mayan Code by Clow.] Astrologically, Saturn opposed Jupiter on March 28, a day when the Sun squared Pluto, which was a time of nearly unbearable nuclear-power tension plus civil wars in the Middle East. The 9.0 Japanese quake and tsunami that caused the nuclear disaster occurred during the opening of the Universal Underworld, just when the Middle East also exploded, making these the major themes that will play out during 2011 as the Universal Underworld unfolds. Potential financial debacles are also continually lurking in the background, such as the downgrading of US credit (Treasuries), debt pressure in the Euro-zone, and rising oil prices. However, for this reading, we will take a close look at the crisis in the Middle East, since I've already discussed the crisis over nuclear power. I believe by the end of this year, the world will realize it must cease building nuclear power plants altogether unless a safe way to transmute the waste is found.
The crisis in the Middle East is a struggle for human liberation that is also sounding the death knell of the world religions; they are used by elite powers to divide and polarize the people. It is one thing to use religious beliefs to make viable communities that support people's needs; it is an entirely another thing to set up "gods" that drive people into killing one another. This is self-evident, yet now the time has arrived to transform the specific roles that each religion and its believers play in the Middle East. For example, Israel must either support a peace plan with the Palestinians as soon as possible-or Israel will live in perpetual fear, based on the revolutions in its neighboring countries. By getting involved in wars on three fronts while being essentially bankrupt, the US is not going to be able to defend all its allies in the region. Israel is going to have to make it on its own now, which brings up a huge crisis that all religious believers must process now. And that is the truth that world religions are based on apocalyptical addictions-yet the world is not coming to an end! More and more people see that humanity will just grind along and degrade Earth, unless people's energies are redirected to solving real problems, one by one.
To help release this locked-up struggle that has been building during five thousand years of human history, we must examine personal beliefs. More people everyday are realizing that there is no "deus ex machina"-a god who will come down through the clouds to save the people. Many people are facing the fact that we must change each part of our own worlds in ways that are not ecologically destructive. These systems, created during the 5,125-year historical cycle, the 256-year industrial cycle, and the 13-year technological acceleration since 1999, must go unless they support life for all equally, and we have to make these changes right within our own lives.
I began with these thoughts about the world religions because they often deny our aspirations for a better world; they have become blinders on our consciousness. Each person must identify his or her blindness and withdraw it from the collective mind to purify our 4D connective zone. For example, assuming you are pissed off about rising fuel costs in a diminishing economy while the oil companies report huge profits, then why aren't you furious that global powers fly planes and transport soldiers and weapons that deplete all the fuel that the people need to live? Why aren't you pissed that Obama is pulling the US into a Drone air war in Libya? Why are things like this? Well, many hold deep beliefs about the right of human dominion over Earth. And why aren't you livid that nuclear plants have been built all over the world that spew toxic waste that is creating dead zones on our planet that resemble human cancers? Deep inside, most people haven't totally eliminated god poison, so the analog of that god-the Bomb and nuclear power plants-may be festering within you.
It may seem that I am walking down an odd path, yet to comprehend our personal paths, the struggles we are having now are inspired by events that literally threaten the survival of our species. People are so blinded that they can't even see what is at stake now. Why are the people of the world marching toward destruction like lemmings to the sea? The answer is, something in their minds is making them believe they are indestructible, which is patently absurd. Considering this, I will read the Taurus New Moon seeking clues for how we can remove our blinders and realize that our survival is at stake. Right now, many people in the Middle East are already removing their blinders, even if they have to die for this cause. The people of the West will follow as soon as they see that they've been led into the center of a maze-the fairy tale that god will save you, instead of you saving yourself!
Considering the chart, Aries energy is very dominant just as it was during the previous New Moon in Aries: Five planets are in Aries-Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars-and they still are challenged by opposing Saturn in Libra. As already mentioned, Jupiter in Aries exactly opposed Saturn in Libra (protracted struggles against authority to attain justice for the people) on March 28, the day of Obama's speech justifying American intervention in Libya, and the NATO allies have been playing out various roles now that the emperor has spoken. So, as we analyze these planets in Aries, keep it in mind that the New Moon In Taurus is poised to ground or make real these innovations that occurred under Aries. Since the goal is to ground the steps we took during the previous lunation, what was your heart's desire that you focused on last month? Recall that this stage of evolution is about identifying the master switches we need for co-creation, and that these switches can only be found in our own experiences. Possibly you intended something last month that you dropped, and you are creating something else? What is your heart's desire now?
Nothing is going to stop the meltdown in the Middle East except a complete restructuring of East/West relations. Your part in this duality-processing shift is probably exactly what you ended up seeking during the Aries lunation, since your personal harmonic creates the greater whole. During this New Moon, the closest opposition to Saturn in 12 Libra is from Venus in 15 Aries and Mercury in 17 Aries, which operate as a duo-Venus softens us and makes us receptive to change, while Mercury adds intelligence and insight to what we feel. Saturn in Libra demands justice, so Mercury and Venus make you receptive in your heart while using your monumental intelligence. I stress the world religions now because about ninety percent of the human race is corded into them in the fourth dimension (4D), and the global elite uses these cords to manipulate the puppets-the blind people. Mercury close to Venus (and opposing Saturn) says use your intelligence now to go into your heart and transit yourself beyond 4D-the Global Elite trap zone. When you move your consciousness into the higher dimensions, it is very easy to see what's going on with this planet. Get yourself off the game board, widen your vision, and support ethical and heart-centered decisions now.

It is unusual to do a New Moon reading and leave the New Moon alone until almost the end. This is because this New Moon has the keys to the personal tools we require to take off our blinders, and it describes an attitude that would benefit almost all of us: The New Moon in 13 Taurus draws us into luxuriant nature, into the sweet folds of Gaia. Yet, as we respond to that lovely annual harmonic, this year we are troubled in our minds. Do we deserve Nature's beneficence when she has been garroted in the Gulf of Mexico and is getting burned by radiation in her waters and shores? Is there a message for us in the terrible tornadoes that ravage the US homeland? The answer is, we must become conscious keepers of Earth, and during this New Moon, Saturn is the guide. Saturn travels through Libra every thirty years, creating balance and justice, and in this case, Saturn exactly quincunxes (150 degree angle) the Taurus New Moon. That is, Saturn's agenda of harmony and homeostasis is pushing us to fill our cells, minds, and hearts with Nature's potency this spring. Under the radical shifting caused by all the transits to the planets in Aries, we are asked to birth Nature within ourselves. When we came here, we chose to be keepers of Earth; this was our ancient wisdom intention, our hope.
Our long phase of forgetting Earth is ending, with Pluto in Capricorn in charge of this potent quincunx. Pluto trines the New Moon, adding earthly support to the New Moon's agenda, and squares Saturn, challenging the father god. The fecundity of the Taurus New Moon is Nature's beating heart, a force that is greater than all human agendas. We are moving faster and deeper into this healing than most of us comprehend.
Neptune moved into Pisces (the home sign) on April 4, where it will remain through August 4. Wow, I wasn't paying much attention to this shift, yet I sure felt it. When Neptune went into Pisces, unless you were located in a zone of extremely high awareness, all kinds of addictions and confusions dripped out of the collective into your personal field. The 4D control cords just took over, and people had to get truthful about their addictions or go down hill really fast. I observed people going both ways, while I started meditating like never before. I find so much potential in this transit, especially since Chiron is right nearby, helping Neptune, the watery giant, heal instead of just fog our minds. Neptune is like the peptides in your body that move around and set off all kinds of metabolic processes, but you can't identify the influence until you feel it. There are many people who did wonderful deep healing work while Neptune and Chiron were conjunct in 2008-2010; this inner strength feels pleasing, and it will be a lifesaver during Neptune in Pisces. These personal accomplishments are also influencing the collective zone very positively.
Meanwhile, the confusions reigning in the world with Neptune in Pisces are daunting. Neptune can be used as a very high guide, however, if you face the truth, especially regarding the world religions. These religions inspired humanity to build civilizations and cultures during the National and Planetary Underworlds. But, now they are functioning mostly as agents of destruction and control. By activating the high essence of Neptune within yourself-opening your heart to Nature and to all beings in the world-you are poised to let the religious fairy story go unless it inspires people, instead of killing them. The [dark] elite plot to end the world is not --and never was-- the ultimate plan of creation.
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