"Healing is the gradual awakening to the perfection of your life..."

In short, the new Chiron paradigm asserts that the Wounding and Healing journey is synonymous with the descent and re-ascent of consciousness through the cosmos—with Creation (the Fall) and subsequent evolution (Ascension). Chiron asserts that the Healing journey consists of awakening to the perfection of our lives, no more, no less. It asserts that there lies a Gift within every Wound, waiting to be discovered. ("Wound" is taken in the broadest sense, encompassing the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual.)
The net result of these early studies was a growing dread of Chiron and of the issues within us that Chiron's placement in our natal charts mirrored. Now, at worst, like Pluto, Chiron strikes terror into the hearts of men and women! In some ways, Chiron has become synonymous only with "Wound" and "pain."
My aim over the last 11 years has been to discover and present the balancing half of the equation. When both sides of the picture are seen, all contradictions, dilemmas and paradoxes are resolved; all seemingly unanswerable questions are answered. In fact, the Chiron paradigm asserts that the ongoing process of discovering both sides of any given issue is the Healing journey. Such is one of Chiron's greatest messages and tools. All that remains is for us to face our inner Darknesses with the tools Chiron has given us. Such is Healing... more than this, such is the evolution of consciousness.
The New Chiron Paradigm
The essence of the new Chiron paradigm is summed up in the phrase, "The Gift is in the Wound." In short, when painful, traumatic, adverse and/or negative experiences befall us, we tend to see the negative side more than the positive (if we see the positive at all). Said another way, in these circumstances, we tend to express the negative and repress the positive. Such is the face of Chiron as initially seen in the natal chart (in synergy with many other factors, not the least of which is the Moon).
What we do not see at the time are the benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of these experiences. We fail to see the balancing sides. The Healing journey consists of discovering these balancing sides. This can take anything from a second to a lifetime. Hindsight is one great gift in this respect. As we discover and uncover the hidden balancing sides, so a larger picture is revealed—a picture that contains our Gift, i.e. a piece of the puzzle of the meaning and purpose of our lives.
The Chiron paradigm also asserts that there is nothing to fix, change or get rid of in our lives... all is perfect as it is. However, our failure to see this at first (or our out-and-out denial) takes us on the journey of our lives. Along the way, we become who we are meant to become. That is, our Service to ourselves (in terms of learning our lessons and evolving our consciousness) and to others (in terms of how we contribute to others' lives) is manifested. Our gradual awakening to and embracing of this Service is the Healing journey, is the evolution of consciousness. In this lies a larger Perfection.
Such assertions inevitably bring us to the idea of an ordered universe—a universe with a Plan and a Purpose. Although one cannot scientifically argue this case (yet!) with those who are so Wounded as to deny a higher order or higher power, our personal Healing journey will inevitably (and inexorably) awaken us to this higher order. Such is Chiron's promise. Moreover, herein lies the hope for the unification of science and spirituality/religion. We can expedite this process (if we so wish) by putting Chiron's musings, as seen astrologically, into ever-larger contexts. We will hint at some these directions in what follows.
Chiron Astrology
Chiron, in the natal chart, points to the place of our greatest Wounds—the things we feel are the most missing, wrong, unjust, painful or lacking in our lives. In this place, we harbor bottled-up negative emotions, traumatic memories, past life issues and 'rooms' within us where we either fear to tread or that we would rather avoid, ignore, condemn or banish altogether.
However, hidden within this place of Darkness lie all the balancing sides of the equation—the benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of each and every one of our issues. Through the Darkness lies the Light. When we try to avoid the Darkness, the Darkness persists and blocks our way. Inherent within the Wound itself lays the Healing path. As we approach the Wound, so its hidden aspects are illuminated, allowing growth, transformation, Healing and evolution of consciousness. If we understand the principles involved, each person's Healing path can be clearly seen in the natal chart.
Perhaps the most striking symbol of Chiron's Healing process was presented in the animated film, "The Dark Crystal," where the dark and light sides of the psyche, represented by different races of creatures, joined into one 'super-race' of Light beings via the Healing of a fractured crystal. Of all the psychologists of the last hundred years, perhaps Jung came closest to understanding this principle of rejoining our light and dark sides (individuation). All that remained was to define the exact nature of the light and dark sides of the psyche. Chiron points the way to just such definition.
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