Thank you SaLuSa and Mike once again!
*** gavin
Bear in mind, the events that have been unwinding are directly
for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of
information, the Truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will
fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will
come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do
it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the Truth.
However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon
you who are preparing to Ascend. We are pleased to see that people are
now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it
means for your civilization. After all, it will affect every single soul
regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to
take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of
vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to Ascend with
Mother Earth.
There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a
state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready, you cannot
do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold.
Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who
are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new
environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We
will, by then, have been able to openly work with you and we will progress
together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in
all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you
will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.
We share your frustration where delays are experienced, and are
preventing you from being aware of what is happening behind the scenes.
However, it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities
are concerned, but be assured we are constantly working
to bring about completion. The projects involved are quite challenging
and involve a tremendous amount of co-operation, and we must thank our
allies for what they have achieved in extremely difficult circumstances.
The objective has always been to involve you in the changes, as it was
never intended that we should do it all for you. Together we will
proceed to create the conditions that allow for Disclosure, but be
prepared for it to come out in a series of revelations.
A tremendous amount of work
has been put in by our allies, and that includes all of you who are
spreading the Truth. Yet, because of the success of the dark Ones in
spreading false information, there are still many souls who are finding
it difficult to shift from their present beliefs. Whatever they are, it
is hard to believe that you have been fooled, particularly when you have
leaders that have become respected for their knowledge. The answer is
to think for yourselves and be prepared to change your views to those
that you can comfortably live with. In time, you will be confronted with
irrefutable facts and information that will leave you in no doubt as to
the truth about you and your civilization.
Ascension is to be your total release from the lower vibrations, and
lift you into a level that is your true state of being where your
creative powers become more evident. Your power of thought is still
creating in your present dimension but it rarely provides you with an
instant result. However, as a civilization you have set each turn of
events, and it is only in comparatively recent times that you have
lifted yourselves out of the pit where the lower vibrations were pulling
you down. It is true that you have always had help, but that has been
in response to your pleas and never placed upon you without it. Our role
is not one where we are forcing changes upon you, as they are taking
place as a natural result of the upliftment of your vibrations.
What is beyond all of our abilities to change, is the process of
Ascension that has been divinely decreed. It is affecting the whole
Universe and you are but a small but nevertheless important part of what
is taking place. You could describe us as the servants of God as we
carry out God's bidding, and that is indeed the function of the Galactic
Federation of Light. Living in peace and harmony is a joy that you will
yourselves soon experience, and your words do not really describe how
it feels to be in the higher vibrations. There are no harsh or repulsive
energies such as you experience on Earth, and all aspects of your life
are satisfying and uplifting. If you could only sample what we describe
you would never want to return to your old ways or experiences. Keep it
in mind and let events on Earth find their own path to completion.
Back on Earth, you are getting nearer to the actual End Time, and in the
weeks that remain you will experience many surges of energy. Gradually
you will recognise the changes that they are bringing about within you,
and most likely it will be a calmness that you have created around you
that is unaffected by outer happenings. Start to live your lives as
though you have already ascended, and release any attachments that you
know will not serve you when you have done so. It is not perfection that
is expected whilst you are on Earth, as that is virtually impossible.
However, by being such an example you are doing much that will help
uplift other souls, and your Light will pass on your calmness to others.
Dear Ones, we are close to bringing about some of the events that you
have been waiting for and you must realise by now that we are reluctant
to talk of actual dates. In fact it is not always possible to be so
precise as events on Earth shift so quickly, and we move according to
the most appropriate time. We can remove the Illuminati but that will
not immediately bring a cessation of their activities. Their controls go
deep into society and we have to cut it off bit by bit. They cannot
resurrect their power bases which have been seriously weakened by our
allies, and total collapse is not far away.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and see the day we can get together looming
large, and will be so pleased when we can acknowledge each other in Love
and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
by Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
To learn more about Agartha, please read the very first posting: Scroll to March 17th, 2011. Otherwise, enjoy nearly everyday updates of worldwide news --with an alternative news twist, which shares with you how the Spirit World views what's being reported on mainstream media. In other words, here is where you get to learn what's REALLY GOING ON in our world --not what the TV & radio report, which in my humble opinion is simply programming designed to keep us living in fear.
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