Thank you Uriel and Jennifer!
And so it is!
*** gavin
Uriel's Message: You and God are One
(emphasis added)
There is no separation between you and Source, or God or the Universe, or the name that is given to the energy that supports, nourishes, connects and sustains everyone and everything in the Universe. The judgments that serve to separate humanity from its divinity are only thoughts that cannot erase the truth that is encoded in the light you carry. What you call separation is also known as the dark, or as fear, and it is the only thing that separates you from the Oneness you have with Source.
But this separation exists within humanity because it is impossible for Source to be separate from what its own light ...and you are an emanation of that light. When you remember 'You and God are One,' then layers of fear you know as unworthiness and separation are released. Your soul is unburdened and can breathe in light, free from the density of the energy of third dimensional learning. For a moment you can re-member, or rejoin, yourself to God.
There is an inevitable end to the journey of reconnection and it will happen for all of humanity, each person in their own time. The cycle of karma and healing will continue for each soul until it remembers that it is one with Source, can recall its light, embrace love and learn forgiveness. While there is an ascension path within the earth's cycle, all of humanity will be able to experience reconnection and ascension but it is not a single event. Rather, it is a journey that each soul is on and has been on since the beginning of its third dimensional experience.
See yourself as one with God, know you are the light of God, and the Source of your light is within you and always with you. There is no separation other than that which you believe you have created and that is not the spiritual truth which is the only truth. Know that "I and God are One," make this your daily affirmation and breathe in the light that is the light, love and truth of who you are.
by Jennifer Hoffman
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