Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Clearing Our Social Vasanas – Parts 1 & 2 by Steve Beckow

Thank you Steve and your Guides!

Kathleen at Whidbey Island
Back in January of 2012, Archangel Michael described for Kathleen her role in building the new world.  She’s allowed me to share excerpts from what was a pivotal reading in her life.
He told her she’d agreed, prior to coming here, to help society emerge from its collective illusions.
“Your purpose [in coming here] is the breaking down of illusions. Now, as you know, the human collective, the people of old Earth, have built up many, many false illusions, many paradigms that became so strong in their belief systems that they formulated into structures and institutions, practices and societies around them.
“These illusions are familiar to you, such as lack, limitation, death, destruction, disease, greed, lust, control, and power.  Your role both in your energy field and as a communicator has been to break down and help to eradicate those illusions of Old Earth.
“These illusions no longer serve humanity, Gaia or any beings throughout not only the planet but far beyond.” (1)
I’d like to look at an aspect of those collective illusions here.
Unworkable Social Reaction Patterns Based on Illusory Interpretations
The “structures and institutions, practices and societies” we create are socially sanctioned.   Far from allowing free speech, our society has worked to ensure the passing along or transmission of the sets of illusory ideas which maintain certain key institutions. Those who transgress or criticize them can open themselves to penalties ranging from ridicule to imprisonment.
To navigate this socially-sanctioned world of conditioned roles and order-maintaining institutions, we also learn, usually informally, a set of socially-recognizable reaction patterns – which I call social vasanas.
These may be taught or transmitted, through socialization or social conditioning, in school, in movies, music videos, TV dramas or street rituals.
Eric Berne called them Games People Play; Claude Steiner, Scripts People Live. Erving Goffman called them “performances.” (2)
Others have called them acts, rackets, numbers, patterns, and so on – the name doesn’t matter as much as agreement on what it is we’re pointing at.
A social vasana is, in essence, an unworkable social reaction pattern based on an illusory interpretation.
In the growth movement, much emphasis was placed on coming out of our social vasanas or rackets and behaving in “authentic” ways.
To call them “social vasanas” recognizes their origin in early attempts at socializing and working with others. To call them acts, numbers, rackets, etc., focuses on their intention to trick, hide, defend, triumph, etc.
Either way, they define some of the more dysfunctional ways we work with others whenever the issue is getting what we want in social circumstances.
These are the ways born of illusion that Archangel Michael was describing.  Coming out of illusion includes coming out of these.
Having passed through a critical mass of our personal vasanas, many of us are now considering working together. And as we turn to working in teams, up comes this new kind of hidden vasana.
If we’re to succeed – and we wouldn’t have come here if we weren’t intending to work together and succeed – I think we’ll have to clear the social type of vasana as well as the personal kind.
by Steve Beckow
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) Personal Reading between Kathleen Willis and Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, Jan. 21, 2012.
(2) See practically any book by Erving Goffman, from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life to Gender Advertising.



Clearing Our Social Vasanas – Part 2/2 

Entitle 2(Continued from Part 1.)
An Example of a Social Vasana
Recognizing social vasanas in ourselves and our lightworker colleagues can be a shock. We may discount ourselves and become discouraged.
I became aware of one of mine today and it was a shock. It was anything but light-filled.
None of our social vasanas are overly pretty. They’re manipulative, fear-filled, self-limiting. They’re self-defeating and they drag everyone down who’s subject to them.
Mine centered around a felt need to take credit for a particular outcome, fueled by a sense of personal entitlement, born of ego. I was manifestly Looking out for #1. (1)
Feeling entitled is something that only comes up in the context of action between people. It doesn’t come up when one deals only with oneself, as in the case of a hermit or an isolated lightworker.
I encountered someone else taking credit for something I originated. I felt an almost compulsive desire to make remarks that “set the record straight.”
Stock phrases ran through my mind, like “that was my idea.” Or “I told you that last year.” Or “you’re just doing what I told you to do.” Anything to question ownership of the idea. A small child wanting recognition was speaking.
Fortunately I resisted the temptation and avoided a wounding exchange.
However, that very same day, a second lightworker I met with didn’t resist the temptation while speaking to me: “Didn’t I tell you?”
This kind of exchange is fairly common in the world as it’s constituted. But it can prove an irritant on lightworker teams.
The less we need to take credit for, the more harmonious an environment we can create around ourselves.
This is an example of a social vasana. The vasana is an inappropriate need to take credit for something. The upshot is ill will. The answer is to let go of the need to take credit for things.
No Place in the New Fifth
Our unworkable social patterns, which were tolerable and even fashionable in the Old Third, have no place in the New Fifth. Nonetheless they live on inside of us and impact our efforts to work together as a company of lightworkers, as the ground crew, boots on the ground.
These vasanas would probably rest in peace if we remained separate and isolated from each other. But now we realize, as Kathleen did, that we have a large role to play in constructing the new world. Part of that role is deconstructing these very illusions, as we’re doing right at this moment.
And part of it is what comes after – working together – at which point any “sleeping volcanoes” that are left in us rumble into life again.
Becoming aware of and letting go of our social vasanas helps ensure the success of our projects. It avoids the creation of minefields because people resent us for our last outburst and want to “get even” or “teach us a lesson.”
It builds a sense of community and social capital by easing the pressures on us working together.
It cultivates joy and gratitude.  It calls forth equanimity, humility, and thoughtfulness from us.
Like so many other things, an inquiry into social vasanas is a new field. I predict that we’ll find ourselves in the near future opening one new field after another as the rising energies open us up ever further.
Coming into closer and closer contact with each other, freer and freer from our acts and numbers, our social vasanas, in time I think we’ll take on projects that we never dreamed of.
by Steve Beckow
(1) Robert Ringer, Looking Out for #1: How to Get from Where You Are Now to Where You Want to Be in Life.>/em> Wilmington, Delaware: Tortoise Press, Inc., 2013.

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