Keep shining your Light brightly as you hold determinedly to your intent to be loving in every moment, in every situation, and prepare yourselves for unbridled amazement and wonder when it happens, as it most surely will.
You are on course and on schedule for a great event that has been planned for eons. You are at the forefront as it prepares to unfold, beautifully and very dramatically, for all of humanity who choose to be part of this momentous and uplifting move, away from the dark energies that have been so prevalent on planet Earth, and into the eternal Light of God’s infinite Love.
God’s Love is the infinite energy field in which all of creation is eternally enfolded. There is nowhere else, and there is no need for anywhere else because your divine Source provides in infinite abundance all that you could possibly dream of, wish for, or desire as you use your brilliant creative capabilities to join with Him in endlessly expanding that creation.
There are no limits! And yet there is nothing beyond our divine Source, the Source of all that exists and into which all is inextricably, freely, and lovingly integrated. For you, presently experiencing scarcity and limitation within the illusion, this is a paradox of incomprehensible proportions.
However, deep within each one of you is the absolute knowing that you are each inseparable and essential parts or aspects of the divine energy field. But because you chose to play games of separation, abandonment, heartache, and suffering within your unreal and illusory environment, you closed off, temporarily, your awareness of your divine and eternal nature.
It is as though the sacred flame of His Love, burning eternally within each one of you, had been hidden or covered over, leaving you apparently alone and abandoned in the strife-torn and fearful darkness of a cold and insensitive universe.
And your science, in its extremely limited perception, confirms that space is an extremely cold and forbidding place into which you would only venture at your peril, and, should you choose to do so, quite a pointless exercise 1) because you have neither the ability nor the technology to traverse any but the smallest portion of it, it being so vast, and 2) because your lives are far too short for you to have enough time to make any meaningful return journeys or forays out into its vastness.
Nevertheless, this is a totally incorrect assessment of your situation. As divine Beings, which you most certainly are, you were created free, free to explore the whole vastness of creation without let or hindrance, and in comparison your visible universe is like unto your backyard.
Temporarily, however, you chose to build an illusory and severely limited environment in which to play some rather insane games. The initial excitement that this environment provided has long since faded away, and the realization that this is not God’s Will for you is now dawning. Consequently you have collectively made the decision to let it dissolve back into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being, and so, inevitably, you will awaken.
If you could tune in to any of the infinite number of positive energy frequencies of the spiritual realms, which are boundless, you would be astounded by the ongoing and eternal creative enterprises in which you are all involved.
Even though it seems that you are Earth-bound, encased in bodies that constantly limit you, you would be able to see the incredible and uncountable contributions that you are all making to the infinitely growing and expanding field of creation in moments when you are either sleeping, meditating, or just quietly relaxing without engaging with your fear-driven egoic minds.
You are all divine Beings, and your true Home is in the infinitely varied and endless spiritual realms where there are no limits. Anything you can imagine you can create and that will add to the divine and most beautiful energy field that is all that exists.
God’s Will in creating sentient life was to expand Reality and have all of you assist Him in filling the energy field that He had created with beautiful creations of your own. And you are all inseparable parts of that divine Reality. This expansion is a creative tour de force in which all sentient life is fully involved, joyfully and eternally. As humans, in a state of limited and severely restricted consciousness, you can have no idea of the wonders that await your imminent awakening!
Creation, Reality, is an ongoing exercise in joy! It is endlessly delightful, enticing, and entrancing, and Its sole purpose is in the pure joy of creating further wonders to amaze all who are part of it, all sentient life.
God is Love, an infinite and ever-expanding field in which all of creation has its eternal existence. It is into that wondrous state that you are all shortly to awaken, whereupon you will truly know yourselves for the first time as brilliantly competent individual centers of intelligence who are at the same time One with your divine Source.
Within Reality there are no needs because you are all complete just as God created you, and so you are unlimited, untethered, and free to create as your moods and inspirations take flight, bringing into existence ever more brilliant demonstrations of the creative geniuses that your loving Father created when He created each one of you.
Creation is an ongoing and endless series of mind-blowing delights which will fill you constantly with joy as you forever expand your visions of what is possible. And, of course, anything that you can envision is possible.
An exhilarating awakening experience is at hand, so hold your Light on high and prepare for boundless wonder as the limits that have bound you for so long fade away as you allow yourselves to be led forwards into this divine garden of enchanting beauty.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by JohnSmallman2. Wordpress.com
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