Greetings and Salutations,
Poof Said:ZAP says;
The walls and the boulders and the obstructions are being dealt with. The tensions are quite intense and the needs on the part of all involved are being seen for what they are. The grid is starting to collapse, the gridlock that is… and that is a very winning issue. Great things are coming for indeed they are. Now what you need to hear is that the shifts and the internal fights being fashioned right now are heavy and they yield high stakes and the manner in which they are being played out is questionable but then we know already that the higher minded are taking over more and more of the positions that were being held off in the past. All of that speaks well for the outcome that all on this site want to see happen. People are questioning how people feel about getting access to something they thought was a quirk and sheer luck and they happened to be at the right place at the right time. Well, no, that is not how it happened.
Again we must remind ourselves always that the projects that are underway were never intended to favor one over another or to make one group the new leaders in greed, or to think that money grows on trees. That was never the case. And you ponder how the continual rumor that the dollar will crash will affect the monies coming in. Yes, it will. The piper has to be paid and the way this country has been run and most of the world means that monies that you have coming in may not have the same value they would have had five years ago. Not to say, however, that the new treasury bills won’t help because that will. The overall value of money is eroding. The changes are afoot and the world is soon to be on its tail — wagging I might add. And the #### is hitting the fan and the coffers of the world are being emptied and the new coffers are being filled with the right approach to the onset of prosperity and many good things coming into view. The will of humanity is still the one wheel that turns the axle but then that too has shifted enough to say just be patient and aware and listening and open. Your day in the golden light is approaching. -Poof
Hi all
Over the last weeks, since the releases, there have still been growing pains as the system lurches forward to its inevitable conclusion. Patience is the by-word, and frustrations must be managed.
The RV is done, but the funds for the payments are not yet released. The family and IMF, with the rest of the countries, have put their collective foot down – and the crooked politicians who have been dipping into the basket every day and delaying the funds and official rollout have only a few days left to steal.
When the rest of the world moves forward regardless, either the USA does the right thing and the politicians who have been delaying the rollout let it happen, or the USA will not have gold-backed currency to match all the other countries that will be Basel III compliant.
Who would want to accept the fiat Federal Reserve ticket known as the current US dollar, instead of a metal-backed Treasury Reserve Note? The USA would become a third world country overnight. But no worries, this will not happen. The USA will sign off on the rollout, otherwise the politicians’ ill-gotten gains will be useless, right? They will move forward and the funds will be released.
Bond redemptions are in the same place, and those funds are also being released.
It is imperative that this release happen in 2014 during the special cycle that, according to prophecy, will give our humanity the tools to begin the reconstruction. As I’ve said a few times before, the Chinese family, and most other organizations, operate by the numbers and celestial events, so the timings of milestones are tied to such events.
And yes, there will be arrests. Many of the names on the list will surprise you.
Here is an interesting dissertation of what is:
“The game of espionage is dangerous.
Those at the top of the ladder are unknown to the populace. Their names
are never used in public. The closely guarded secrets are no longer
secret. It was important that we found who was giving orders and running
the show.
“JP Morgan, Kissinger, Hitler, Queen
Elizabeth, Bush clan, The Pope and many more are only pawns in the
checker board. They are what the PTW call the “Children in Chains”. Some
will look towards the Black Pope as being the head leader, but in fact
the head masters are as high up in the ranking as you can get. This way
the blame is always kept on those who are only puppets and known in the
public’s eye. Very few have ever met the PTW in person including their
“CHECKMATE has been met as the highest
ranking members no longer exist. This game of chess has been playing out
since 1549. Since 9/11 the team nearly quadrupled in size when many
high ranking officials in the Military Industrial Complex finally saw
the forest for the trees.
“Mass arrests are not going to happen in
the way many think. This will keep the populace from rioting and causing
more chaos. Many on Earth are stuck in the MK Ultra programmed matrix
and are unwilling to lift the veil. To keep the shock factor down the
decision was made to do this in phases. These phases will not be noticed
by many as they will be small but life changing. There is not much more
these evil groups can do as their power has been taken away. It is kind
of like a malfunctioning robot. This is why many weird moves are being
made by evil in the public’s eye. Such as missing planes that caused the
media to scramble for information when finding out it really was not
done by those who own them, and in the end their stories kept getting
sillier and sillier.
“The GLOBAL RESET: The RV is only part of
this. The money releases will come as most all is set into motion. The
trigger should be pulled no latter then May 22, 2014. The release of
this will be done in phases. If we release money to every person in the
world, goods, services and food industries will be overwhelmed. This is
why it will be done in phases. The new tech will be released first. This
will free up money for many people making life much easier. At the same
time Social Security payments will increase as well as welfare, food
stamps, disability, wages, retirement and pensions. The increases will
be done in slowly while the technology is being released slowly.
Humanity will rise above the need for monetary value as it was a concept
that was introduced by the PTW for further world domination. Money will
phase out and no longer be needed.
“Many rumors and made up Intel is
floating around. That means about 85% of it is all made up. They are
perceptions based on mainstream news and current events in most
situations. A story can be viewed your way based on a one track mind.
Keep that in mind. It is a tactic used by the puppets that will be
rounded up like a thief in the night. You will watch many disappear off
the scene. The five biggest controlling factors will be taken down,
Government, Military, Big Pharm, Banking, and Schooling. Congress and
all pending legislation will be broadcasted for people’s vote on paper
“The Governmental body will be reduced by
leaps and bounds. Nothing will be introduced to a ballot that has long
term ill effects on Humanity or the Earth. The original plan was
scrapped and a new one was formed. We have a team of many well trained
individuals who want Common Law to be the Universal Law on Earth. Do not
harm to others or their property. If you have been paying attention it
is by no accident Common Law Grand Juries are popping up everywhere.
Free Will is to be respected as well as an individual responsibility.
Many emotions are ripe and ready to help stir chaos if things are
revealed all at once. This is why they are and have been being revealed
slowly in what we call “Soft Disclosure”. You will notice this in many
movies, TV shows, and news stations. The script is going to be vamped up
for more to be released on May 22, 2014 involving disclosure of
corruption and Earth’s past as well as the illusive Global Reset, RV,
PP’s, NESARA and much more.”
ZAP – Cool. Where do i sign up? Can the pigs come too? The main body
of the message is pretty clear and unambiguous. The cabal has been
around for a while. Remember the east india company? They got into the
opium trade, and made a fortune. Do you think they left heroin behind?
Same with the others. Look around: munitions, pharma, etc. They are all
there and they profit from death. It is time for change, and the above
dissertation is surely evidence of this cry.
Can the Cabal be Forgiven?
By Wes Annac, Aquarius Paradigm
http://aquariusparadigm.com/aquarius-channelings-introduction/can-the-cabal-be-forgiven/By Wes Annac, Aquarius Paradigm
“You are ALL Masters. Every one of you,
both those who play the dark roles and those who play the light ones;
all of you are masters extraordinaire. There are many who would condemn
us and our scribe for saying this, but sometimes those who act as
villains in your life … are your greatest teachers.
“In the higher dimensions, each of you
chose the roles that you would play and how you would come together, if
only for a short time, to play out those roles, offering opportunities
for growth as a result. There are no ‘enemies’ that exist in this world,
only teachers, only You, the great collective of humanity, as one
“As each of you, especially the light
workers, those who are more self-aware than the populace in general, as
each of you opens to this self-awareness and begin to reconnect to the
Source of your being, you will let go of the need to condemn self,
whether that self takes on your own image or that of another human
Soon, you will no longer have a need to
see enemies all around you or danger in the air. You are returning to
the awareness that you belong to a unified field of consciousness, that
you have never left this field, but have only stepped away from it in
consciousness for a short time.
Your awareness of Self has been blocked
by self-imposed veils of forgetfulness; those veils have been torn
asunder and are swiftly dissolving for all humanity, even the most
intransigent of beings, the former ‘controllers’ of this planet.
“Beneath the attacks and vile deeds, the
manipulations of corporate interests to control whole governments in an
attempt to control the entire planet, these beings have taken on the
darkest roles in the ‘game’ of duality.
And now, as the rest of humanity begins
to awaken to the horrors and the misdirection taken by the world as a
result of the guidance of these beings, they are now suddenly taking on a
new role, not of directors behind the scenes, but of being the newly
exposed targets of a growing anger, rage and a desire for vengeance
emanating from an awakening populace.” They are to be greatly pitied,
for their role, although … being born into wealthy and powerful
families, has taken them into areas far afield from the connection to
their own inner beings, to Source.
“Yet, even these ones, who have
temporarily taken on the mantle of great evil, can turn to the light,
learn to love themselves, especially when the light of others is shined
upon their activities and they are shown forgiveness and understanding
from those they formerly sought to destroy.
“Destruction of other is destruction of
self. To condemn another is to condemn self. You are all a part of the
collective of Humanity, one being, who, for the sake of experience and
learning has been divided up into seemingly independent and lonely
“As you come into self-awareness and
learn to love yourself, you naturally open your heart to receive the
guidance of your Higher Self. Your connection through the union of heart
and higher mind, binds you to the path on the journey home to
ZAP – One word: Bravo.Q: Dear Zap, I have a sense I am writing not just for myself but also for countless others whose lives changed irrevocably on July 4th, 2013. For me it was the first time somebody was not only acknowledging my passion project, but also offering an option for financing that felt nothing short of miraculous. As the creator of a kid-based TV show, with cross-platform compatibility for the crystal and indigo kids, you can imagine my near-orgasmic response, particularly to your ‘Kid’s First” cry.
ZAP – Way cool. This is so important.
Now that we are near the finish line
(no more sexy metaphors) I would like to know how much of your original
‘friendly funding’ letter information is still current.
ZAP – The same as when i wrote it. No change.
I can imagine how much has changed and
shifted over the past 10 months and I know that however it plays out
all these planet-altering projects will be taken care of, but I’m just
wondering about the children??? You are creating an entity that assures
our world will never be the same….my gratitude is humongous.
ZAP – Actually, it is all of us that are
doing this. And yes it will change the face of this world when we look
after and cherish our kids, and nourish their curiosity. And thanks.
So, I hope that all of you reading understand that we are in the
middle of it all. If I could only blab about the positive nature of the
bankers right now. Or leak that the Tier 1 and 2 have already gotten
their accounts filled (not released though). Or spill the beans about
the 728,369 arrests that will be made including names like the Queen. Or
tattle on the idiot politicians and cabal members that got stung in the
roundups. Then I probably would be afraid for my life. ( Stephen: Here is an alleged list of some of the people said to be being arrested soon: http://roundopalpha.wordpress.com/list-r-oa2014/)So I won’t.
Remember I am not here to bash anybody, make judgment calls, or be a general all-wise, all-seeing, pain in the #### oracle. I get correct information on a consistent basis which checks out in the high places, and after it is done, I report it. This gives all of us a foundation from which to extrapolate events ourselves.
If you have lost any money from my writing, please send a self-addressed envelope postage paid to bob, car of bob’s bank, corner of 4th and vine in the bright green 57 Chevy on the north west corner. Bambi the secretary will be happy to respond to your claim within 6 months or more.
Just keep looking for pigs in the sky. One coming to a neighborhood near you. Hmmm…friendly neighborhood purple pig?
Make room Spidey, you have company.
Contributions large or small are greatly appreciated thru PayPal.com…account; goneforthfornow@gmail.com. If PayPal is a problem please send us a message thru 2goforth@safe-mail.com …until the end consultations continue by phone upon request.
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
Susan and Staff
If you still wish to read the full Q&A head here.
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