Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Montague Keen - January 12, 201

Thank you Veronica and Monty!

I wish to start by thanking everyone most sincerely for responding to our call for help to restore the sacred energy to Planet Earth. When this energy is fully restored, it will remove many of the illnesses that beset so many of you. Your bodies need this energy in order to live full healthy lives. It will also enable crops to grow, and to produce good wholesome food with pure energy in it. This has been denied you and you have had to struggle to survive.

Your response has been magnificent. Thank you.

This is a joint effort. Both sides of life are involved. Every living thing on the face of the Earth will benefit. You will experience a complete transformation from all that is now dark and negative to light and harmony in all things. Veronica is being asked why has this not been undertaken before. I can tell you that the timing needed to be right. You needed to be sufficiently awake to do it successfully. The Cabal will place many obstacles on your path: See them as such, ignore them or navigate around them. Do not allow anything to slow down or prevent this work. The future of the human race depends on you and your input at this time. Veronica will arrange for the information on ley lines to be easily available on our web site. Everyone's input is greatly appreciated. I ask that all of you find the time to read and digest what Mark has written on the subject of ley lines.

Latest update from Mark (see article below)

My dear wife is working on so many different projects, each important to all of you. So I ask that you assist wherever possible. Her health is not good and she is no spring chicken, but she works hard on your behalf. You will learn, in time, when to act regarding the ley lines. We will choose the date when you will combine your efforts to restore the sacred energies of your planet. This gives you an opportunity to acquaint yourselves with what is required of you. It will also enable you to make contact with each other, so that each country has a team that is ready and willing to work together on this project. Take time to study, to research, and to become familiar with the subject.

Together, we will make this happen as quickly and as competently as possible. We extend an open invitation to every country to be part of this unique exercise to restore your planet. Do this with love in your hearts: Love for humanity and your beautiful planet.

These are the countries that have come on board. If your own country is not represented below, then please consider joining us.

Albania, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Corsica, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Micronesia, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Sedona, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Wales.

This is not just one event. We intend to carry out maintenance on the ley lines on a regular basis. We cannot allow this energy to be closed off to you, ever again. I will take my leave of you now, in order to allow you time to read Mark's words.

My dear, you must find time to rest. I know how enthusiastic you are about this, but we need you there to carry it out. We in spirit send love and light to all. Your input, however small, is important.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.
by Veronica Keen

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Special Thanks 

A week has elapsed since the initial call went out in Monty’s message of Sunday 
5 January 2014 to promote and work with the ley lines of the Earth. 

The response to the initiative has been truly fantastic! Over 1100 messages of 
support have so far been received and more continue to arrive from all over the 
world. We have received responses from over 60 countries. It has been truly 
overwhelming yet very encouraging. 

It has not been possible to personally reply to all of the incoming messages in 
the short timescale, despite the wish to do so. Instead, the time has been used 
to read everyone’s message, consider and take account of the reaction of what 
appears to be a growing international “ley-line” community which all of you are 
very keen to be part of. For those who asked specific questions, we will 
endeavour to respond. 

Note that the door will continue to remain open for those who still wish to 
participate in what will be a mutual learning process. Please keep a watchful eye 
on the Foundation’s website for further information and updates. 

As each message was read, it became apparent of the broad range of expertise 
that is already out there. At one end were those who knew little of ley energy 
but felt an enthusiastic urge to take part because of their inherent connection 
with the Earth. At the other, were those with a significant body of knowledge 
and practical experience in the field who have already been doing group work on 
known ley lines. This mix of expert ‘know-how’ and novice enthusiasm seems 
just the right blend to move things forward. 

For clarity, to all those already participating in current ley work of all types, this 
initiative is not intended to replace, interfere or overshadow any of those 
progressing activities. In fact, it merely complements them and widens the 
scope at this important time. 

One of the largest responses per head of population was from The Netherlands. 
It was interesting to learn that an organisation there is already actively mapping 
ley lines! Other countries of note were Germany, Australia and Canada. Not 
surprisingly, the United States was by far the largest representation. Also, 
researchers from both Australia and France shared their detailed maps of 
discovery in both Ireland and England respectively. 

The messages received also sought answers to a variety of general questions 
such as “how can I help?”, “what can be done?”, “am I suitably qualified” and 
“tell me more about ley lines.” Such inquiries will now be addressed in the 
remainder of this update starting with the latter. 

A Primer on Ley Lines

Ley lines have become known by a variety of names in different parts of the 
world; salt lines, dragon lines, dream roads, fairy passes, spirit paths, Heilige 
linien or holy lines, prehistoric (megalithic) trackways and even pathways to the 
Gods. Whichever term you wish to use, we are, in fact, referring to the same 
article of the greatest antiquity – far surpassing biblical times. If an analogy was 
sought to describe what a ley line is, then one could consider them to be unseen 
“power cables” interconnecting a “store house” of psychic and spiritual energies 
that exist at sacred sites. 

There is sufficient independent and irrefutable evidence to show the existence of 
these “invisible” and apparently “straight” lines that traverse the landscape and 
connect ancient sanctified places. Where two or more ley lines intersect, a 
power centre or nexus of telluric energies is formed. The more lines that 
intersect at these so called nodal points, the more powerful those sacred sites 
are considered to be. 

At such locations, we could expect to find places of worship and religious ritual 
such as temples, stone circles, henges and churches. We may also discover 
places of funerary and interment like sepulchres and barrow mounds. Such sites 
could also be fortified with earthworks or indeed, with a castle or moat indicating 
that something is certainly worth protecting. The presence of issuing water is 
highly suggestive of a ley line, especially a confluence of waters. Where there is 
a natural abundance of water, there is also a profusion of earth energies. Ley 
lines are also characterised by trackway junctions, milestones, standing stones, 
summit cairns and coastal headlands. 

Whilst the ley line is considered typically “straight”, the ley energies they 
inherently transmit meander and weave “serpent-like” through the landscape. 
Ley lines are thus essentially dynamic and driven by the Sun. A low elevation 
Sun, as seen at dawn and dusk, has a tendency to augment the size and energy 
carrying capacity of the ley line in comparison with its mid-day culmination. 
Hence, why the rising Sun is such a powerful symbol and the dawn chorus is 
awakened long before our local star ascends the horizon. Obscure the incident 
sunlight and you alter the essence and quality of the ley energy that flows. For 
the ley line itself is simply a “snapshot” of the marked ground track resulting 
from the passage of energy flowing at a given point in time. Other 
considerations affecting ley energy are geological strata, subterranean streams 
and even seismic activity. Persistant rainfall has the effect of altering ground 
conductivity which may inhibit ley line detection. 

Ley energy can be perturbed and re-directed by intent, structure and terrain for 
it is essentially electromagnetic in basis. One of the best examples of this has 
been demonstrated at the Avebury Henge complex in Wiltshire, England – a site 
postulated as being the heart chakra of the Earth. Here the Michael and Mary 
arteries perform a “dance-like” manoeuvre with each other owing to the 
presence of the mounds known as Silbury and Windmill Hills. 

Ley lines are notable for their generation of paranormal activity of all kinds. I 
wonder how many readers of Montague Keen recognise that Scole, in Norfolk, England, venue to the five year “Scole Experiment” or “Afterlife Investigations”
in which Monty was lead investigator, is situated within the currents of the 
Michael-Mary ley lines? 

Yet, for much of the last two millennia, the natural potential of the ley line 
network of the Earth has been interfered with. In the last century, the system 
has been heartlessly overlaid and laced with a lattice of detrimental propagating 
energies which disturb the innate cosmic balance. Since the latter stage of the 
 century, the chaotic state of the ether has given rise to physical human 
disorders which has been caused by a geopathically stressed condition of the 
natural background. With practice, you will begin to recognise contemporary 
features within the ancient landscape that distort nature’s harmony. A great 
number of sacred sites too have been energetically altered, suppressed, 
obscured, and, in some cases, there has been an attempt to erase them 
altogether. The essence of their transmission lines have been fouled and 
denigrated. Is it not time to cleanse and honour these sacred pathways once 

Proposed Strategies 

Many of you asked about an intended strategy to accomplish our goal. Having 
now sampled the consensus of the response and the range of expertise and 
willingness in our midst, it has been proposed to adopt two parallel 
approaches – one that can be expedited in a short term and will take the form 
of meditative release on one single day, the date and time of which will be 
provided by guidance. The second will comprise a longer term in-depth 
investigation as part of the greater understanding and reconnection with the 
Earth network. 

This dual approach will thus enable many participants to take part in whichever 
they feel more comfortable and capable. They even have the opportunity to 
explore both paths if they so wish. Everyone is considered suitably qualified! 

Mapping is an essential part of our latter strategy. It follows the principle set 
out by our mentors like Watkins, Guichard, Michell, Miller et.al. without whose 
influential works, we would be less well informed on the subject. Mapping out 
alignments accomplishes three important goals. First, it provides hard credible 
documentary evidence that will, in time, build a growing repository of 
information which apparently does not yet exist on the Earth. 

By creating such a library of independent factual proof, we help to encourage 
those who are reticent of ley line existence to reconsider their own position on 
the matter. It will hopefully convince even the most ardent sceptic! And by 
making this library “visible” and available to all, we thus “disclose” the concept 
of ley lines and Earth energies. The more proof we can collect, coordinate and 
establish commonality for, the more the global ley line community will develop. 
Hence, the more “light of consciousness” imbues the ley lines themselves. 

Second, our developing library of maps will enable others to return to these sites 
for a variety of purposes including regular and vital “maintenance”. Third and most obviously, absence of detailed ley line routes on a local level potentially 
impedes, even prohibits, cleansing them of their toxicity. A route map enables 
visibility of ley line connectivities, their energy carrying capacities and angular 
directions within the landscape, not least what power centres they serve; all of 
these factors may be important to how the purging process is carried out. The 
task could be likened to unblocking a complex drain pipe system for which a 
routing plan is often essential. 

So, mapping is, therefore, believed to be a pre-requisite part of the long term 
strategy. In fact, many of the messages requested ley line maps for their 
locality. Unfortunately, these are not always easy to find and more often than 
not they have to be generated from first principles using standard environmental 
maps and other detection methods. 

Many have asked, “how can I help?” and “what can be done?” And , therefore, 
my advice would be to start mapping and become familiar with your landscape 
and their leys lines. It will take time to extract this information so it is advisable 
to make preparations as soon as possible. 

A fair number of messages also requested relevant background reading material. 
Accordingly, a brief literature list is appended at the end of this update. 

For those residing in Europe and seeking detailed maps to be going on with, I 
would advise obtaining access to Xavier Guichard’s works – Eleusis Alesia. This 
book, which contains a great number of detailed maps, is often difficult to 
obtain. However, it has been made fully available on the internet. 

And Finally ... 

Veronica asked me to mention this information which she passed on to me in the 
autumn of last year. 

On 14 January 2012, Veronica Keen had a reading with a psychic named Louise. 
At that time, I never even knew Veronica as we were not to meet until 28 
August 2012. 

However, it was during this reading that Louise said these precise words ... 

“Who is Mark? He is on the Earth plane. You will hear from him. 
Groundbreaking my dear. You have no idea. It will go worldwide.” 

So, until the next update. 

Mark Recommended Literature 

I have prepared a list of what I have considered to be seminal European works 
which I would suggest: 

Ley Lines : Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites – Alfred Watkins 
(1855-1935) : (First Published, 1922) 

The Old Straight Track : Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones – Alfred 
Watkins (1855-1935) : (First Published, 1925) 

Eleusis Alesia : Enquête Sur les Origines de la Civilisation Européenne – Xavier 
Guichard (1870-1947) : (Abbeville Imprimerie F. Paillart, Published 1936) 

The New View Over Atlantis – John Michell (1933-2009) : (Thames & Hudson, 1983); 

Ancient Energies of the Earth : A Groundbreaking Exploration of the Earth’s Natural 
Energy and How It Affects Our Health – David Cowan with Anne Silk (Thorsons, First 
Published, 1999) 

I would especially like to point out the extended body of field work undertaken 
by the late Hamish Miller (1927-2010) and Paul Broadhurst; for it was Hamish 
who hand-forged my own iron dowsing rods from his sacred site in Cornwall. His 
detailed mapping of the Michael-Mary lines in England is contained in ... 

The Sun and the Serpent : An Investigation into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and 
Paul Broadhurst (Pendragon Press, 1989) 

For those interested in the Apollo-Athena/Michael-Mary axis traversing from 
Ireland, Cornwall, France, Italy, Greece to Israel, then the following publication 
could be of interest ... 

The Dance of the Dragon : An Odyssey into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and Paul 
Broadhurst (Mythos, 2007) 

For our friends in New Zealand, Hamish and his co-researcher Barry Brailsford 
also prepared ... 

In Search of the Southern Serpent : A Journey into the Power of Place – Hamish Miller 
& Barry Brailsford (2006) 

I also commend these smaller pocket introductory guides ... 

Leys : Secret Spirit Paths in Ancient Britain – Danny Sullivan (Wooden Books, 2000) 

Earth Grids : The Secret Patterns of Gaia’s Sacred Sites – Hugh Newman (Wooden 
Books, 2008) 
A Primer on Ley Lines
Ley lines have become known by a variety of names in different parts of the 
world; salt lines, dragon lines, dream roads, fairy passes, spirit paths, Heilige 
linien or holy lines, prehistoric (megalithic) trackways and even pathways to the 
Gods. Whichever term you wish to use, we are, in fact, referring to the same 
article of the greatest antiquity – far surpassing biblical times. If an analogy was 
sought to describe what a ley line is, then one could consider them to be unseen 
“power cables” interconnecting a “store house” of psychic and spiritual energies 
that exist at sacred sites. 
There is sufficient independent and irrefutable evidence to show the existence of 
these “invisible” and apparently “straight” lines that traverse the landscape and 
connect ancient sanctified places. Where two or more ley lines intersect, a 
power centre or nexus of telluric energies is formed. The more lines that 
intersect at these so called nodal points, the more powerful those sacred sites 
are considered to be. 
At such locations, we could expect to find places of worship and religious ritual 
such as temples, stone circles, henges and churches. We may also discover 
places of funerary and interment like sepulchres and barrow mounds. Such sites 
could also be fortified with earthworks or indeed, with a castle or moat indicating 
that something is certainly worth protecting. The presence of issuing water is 
highly suggestive of a ley line, especially a confluence of waters. Where there is 
a natural abundance of water, there is also a profusion of earth energies. Ley 
lines are also characterised by trackway junctions, milestones, standing stones, 
summit cairns and coastal headlands. 
Whilst the ley line is considered typically “straight”, the ley energies they 
inherently transmit meander and weave “serpent-like” through the landscape. 
Ley lines are thus essentially dynamic and driven by the Sun. A low elevation 
Sun, as seen at dawn and dusk, has a tendency to augment the size and energy 
carrying capacity of the ley line in comparison with its mid-day culmination. 
Hence, why the rising Sun is such a powerful symbol and the dawn chorus is 
awakened long before our local star ascends the horizon. Obscure the incident 
sunlight and you alter the essence and quality of the ley energy that flows. For 
the ley line itself is simply a “snapshot” of the marked ground track resulting 
from the passage of energy flowing at a given point in time. Other 
considerations affecting ley energy are geological strata, subterranean streams 
and even seismic activity. Persistant rainfall has the effect of altering ground 
conductivity which may inhibit ley line detection. 
Ley energy can be perturbed and re-directed by intent, structure and terrain for 
it is essentially electromagnetic in basis. One of the best examples of this has 
been demonstrated at the Avebury Henge complex in Wiltshire, England – a site 
postulated as being the heart chakra of the Earth. Here the Michael and Mary 
arteries perform a “dance-like” manoeuvre with each other owing to the 
presence of the mounds known as Silbury and Windmill Hills. 
Ley lines are notable for their generation of paranormal activity of all kinds. I 
wonder how many readers of Montague Keen recognise that Scole, in Norfolk, England, venue to the five year “Scole Experiment” or “Afterlife Investigations”
in which Monty was lead investigator, is situated within the currents of the 
Michael-Mary ley lines? 
Yet, for much of the last two millennia, the natural potential of the ley line 
network of the Earth has been interfered with. In the last century, the system 
has been heartlessly overlaid and laced with a lattice of detrimental propagating 
energies which disturb the innate cosmic balance. Since the latter stage of the 
 century, the chaotic state of the ether has given rise to physical human 
disorders which has been caused by a geopathically stressed condition of the 
natural background. With practice, you will begin to recognise contemporary 
features within the ancient landscape that distort nature’s harmony. A great 
number of sacred sites too have been energetically altered, suppressed, 
obscured, and, in some cases, there has been an attempt to erase them 
altogether. The essence of their transmission lines have been fouled and 
denigrated. Is it not time to cleanse and honour these sacred pathways once 
Proposed Strategies 
Many of you asked about an intended strategy to accomplish our goal. Having 
now sampled the consensus of the response and the range of expertise and 
willingness in our midst, it has been proposed to adopt two parallel 
approaches – one that can be expedited in a short term and will take the form 
of meditative release on one single day, the date and time of which will be 
provided by guidance. The second will comprise a longer term in-depth 
investigation as part of the greater understanding and reconnection with the 
Earth network. 
This dual approach will thus enable many participants to take part in whichever 
they feel more comfortable and capable. They even have the opportunity to 
explore both paths if they so wish. Everyone is considered suitably qualified! 
Mapping is an essential part of our latter strategy. It follows the principle set 
out by our mentors like Watkins, Guichard, Michell, Miller et.al. without whose 
influential works, we would be less well informed on the subject. Mapping out 
alignments accomplishes three important goals. First, it provides hard credible 
documentary evidence that will, in time, build a growing repository of 
information which apparently does not yet exist on the Earth. 
By creating such a library of independent factual proof, we help to encourage 
those who are reticent of ley line existence to reconsider their own position on 
the matter. It will hopefully convince even the most ardent sceptic! And by 
making this library “visible” and available to all, we thus “disclose” the concept 
of ley lines and Earth energies. The more proof we can collect, coordinate and 
establish commonality for, the more the global ley line community will develop. 
Hence, the more “light of consciousness” imbues the ley lines themselves. 
Second, our developing library of maps will enable others to return to these sites 
for a variety of purposes including regular and vital “maintenance”. Third and most obviously, absence of detailed ley line routes on a local level potentially 
impedes, even prohibits, cleansing them of their toxicity. A route map enables 
visibility of ley line connectivities, their energy carrying capacities and angular 
directions within the landscape, not least what power centres they serve; all of 
these factors may be important to how the purging process is carried out. The 
task could be likened to unblocking a complex drain pipe system for which a 
routing plan is often essential. 
So, mapping is, therefore, believed to be a pre-requisite part of the long term 
strategy. In fact, many of the messages requested ley line maps for their 
locality. Unfortunately, these are not always easy to find and more often than 
not they have to be generated from first principles using standard environmental 
maps and other detection methods. 
Many have asked, “how can I help?” and “what can be done?” And , therefore, 
my advice would be to start mapping and become familiar with your landscape 
and their leys lines. It will take time to extract this information so it is advisable 
to make preparations as soon as possible. 
A fair number of messages also requested relevant background reading material. 
Accordingly, a brief literature list is appended at the end of this update. 
For those residing in Europe and seeking detailed maps to be going on with, I 
would advise obtaining access to Xavier Guichard’s works – Eleusis Alesia. This 
book, which contains a great number of detailed maps, is often difficult to 
obtain. However, it has been made fully available on the internet. 
And Finally ... 
Veronica asked me to mention this information which she passed on to me in the 
autumn of last year. 
On 14 January 2012, Veronica Keen had a reading with a psychic named Louise. 
At that time, I never even knew Veronica as we were not to meet until 28 
August 2012. 
However, it was during this reading that Louise said these precise words ... 
“Who is Mark? He is on the Earth plane. You will hear from him. 
Groundbreaking my dear. You have no idea. It will go worldwide.” 
So, until the next update. 
Mark Recommended Literature 
I have prepared a list of what I have considered to be seminal European works 
which I would suggest: 
Ley Lines : Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites – Alfred Watkins 
(1855-1935) : (First Published, 1922) 
The Old Straight Track : Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones – Alfred 
Watkins (1855-1935) : (First Published, 1925) 
Eleusis Alesia : Enquête Sur les Origines de la Civilisation Européenne – Xavier 
Guichard (1870-1947) : (Abbeville Imprimerie F. Paillart, Published 1936) 
The New View Over Atlantis – John Michell (1933-2009) : (Thames & Hudson, 1983); 
Ancient Energies of the Earth : A Groundbreaking Exploration of the Earth’s Natural 
Energy and How It Affects Our Health – David Cowan with Anne Silk (Thorsons, First 
Published, 1999) 
I would especially like to point out the extended body of field work undertaken 
by the late Hamish Miller (1927-2010) and Paul Broadhurst; for it was Hamish 
who hand-forged my own iron dowsing rods from his sacred site in Cornwall. His 
detailed mapping of the Michael-Mary lines in England is contained in ... 
The Sun and the Serpent : An Investigation into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and 
Paul Broadhurst (Pendragon Press, 1989) 
For those interested in the Apollo-Athena/Michael-Mary axis traversing from 
Ireland, Cornwall, France, Italy, Greece to Israel, then the following publication 
could be of interest ... 
The Dance of the Dragon : An Odyssey into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and Paul 
Broadhurst (Mythos, 2007) 
For our friends in New Zealand, Hamish and his co-researcher Barry Brailsford 
also prepared ... 
In Search of the Southern Serpent : A Journey into the Power of Place – Hamish Miller 
& Barry Brailsford (2006) 
I also commend these smaller pocket introductory guides ... 
Leys : Secret Spirit Paths in Ancient Britain – Danny Sullivan (Wooden Books, 2000) 
Earth Grids : The Secret Patterns of Gaia’s Sacred Sites – Hugh Newman (Wooden 
Books, 2008) 
A Primer on Ley Lines
Ley lines have become known by a variety of names in different parts of the 
world; salt lines, dragon lines, dream roads, fairy passes, spirit paths, Heilige 
linien or holy lines, prehistoric (megalithic) trackways and even pathways to the 
Gods. Whichever term you wish to use, we are, in fact, referring to the same 
article of the greatest antiquity – far surpassing biblical times. If an analogy was 
sought to describe what a ley line is, then one could consider them to be unseen 
“power cables” interconnecting a “store house” of psychic and spiritual energies 
that exist at sacred sites. 
There is sufficient independent and irrefutable evidence to show the existence of 
these “invisible” and apparently “straight” lines that traverse the landscape and 
connect ancient sanctified places. Where two or more ley lines intersect, a 
power centre or nexus of telluric energies is formed. The more lines that 
intersect at these so called nodal points, the more powerful those sacred sites 
are considered to be. 
At such locations, we could expect to find places of worship and religious ritual 
such as temples, stone circles, henges and churches. We may also discover 
places of funerary and interment like sepulchres and barrow mounds. Such sites 
could also be fortified with earthworks or indeed, with a castle or moat indicating 
that something is certainly worth protecting. The presence of issuing water is 
highly suggestive of a ley line, especially a confluence of waters. Where there is 
a natural abundance of water, there is also a profusion of earth energies. Ley 
lines are also characterised by trackway junctions, milestones, standing stones, 
summit cairns and coastal headlands. 
Whilst the ley line is considered typically “straight”, the ley energies they 
inherently transmit meander and weave “serpent-like” through the landscape. 
Ley lines are thus essentially dynamic and driven by the Sun. A low elevation 
Sun, as seen at dawn and dusk, has a tendency to augment the size and energy 
carrying capacity of the ley line in comparison with its mid-day culmination. 
Hence, why the rising Sun is such a powerful symbol and the dawn chorus is 
awakened long before our local star ascends the horizon. Obscure the incident 
sunlight and you alter the essence and quality of the ley energy that flows. For 
the ley line itself is simply a “snapshot” of the marked ground track resulting 
from the passage of energy flowing at a given point in time. Other 
considerations affecting ley energy are geological strata, subterranean streams 
and even seismic activity. Persistant rainfall has the effect of altering ground 
conductivity which may inhibit ley line detection. 
Ley energy can be perturbed and re-directed by intent, structure and terrain for 
it is essentially electromagnetic in basis. One of the best examples of this has 
been demonstrated at the Avebury Henge complex in Wiltshire, England – a site 
postulated as being the heart chakra of the Earth. Here the Michael and Mary 
arteries perform a “dance-like” manoeuvre with each other owing to the 
presence of the mounds known as Silbury and Windmill Hills. 
Ley lines are notable for their generation of paranormal activity of all kinds. I 
wonder how many readers of Montague Keen recognise that Scole, in Norfolk, England, venue to the five year “Scole Experiment” or “Afterlife Investigations”
in which Monty was lead investigator, is situated within the currents of the 
Michael-Mary ley lines? 
Yet, for much of the last two millennia, the natural potential of the ley line 
network of the Earth has been interfered with. In the last century, the system 
has been heartlessly overlaid and laced with a lattice of detrimental propagating 
energies which disturb the innate cosmic balance. Since the latter stage of the 
 century, the chaotic state of the ether has given rise to physical human 
disorders which has been caused by a geopathically stressed condition of the 
natural background. With practice, you will begin to recognise contemporary 
features within the ancient landscape that distort nature’s harmony. A great 
number of sacred sites too have been energetically altered, suppressed, 
obscured, and, in some cases, there has been an attempt to erase them 
altogether. The essence of their transmission lines have been fouled and 
denigrated. Is it not time to cleanse and honour these sacred pathways once 
Proposed Strategies 
Many of you asked about an intended strategy to accomplish our goal. Having 
now sampled the consensus of the response and the range of expertise and 
willingness in our midst, it has been proposed to adopt two parallel 
approaches – one that can be expedited in a short term and will take the form 
of meditative release on one single day, the date and time of which will be 
provided by guidance. The second will comprise a longer term in-depth 
investigation as part of the greater understanding and reconnection with the 
Earth network. 
This dual approach will thus enable many participants to take part in whichever 
they feel more comfortable and capable. They even have the opportunity to 
explore both paths if they so wish. Everyone is considered suitably qualified! 
Mapping is an essential part of our latter strategy. It follows the principle set 
out by our mentors like Watkins, Guichard, Michell, Miller et.al. without whose 
influential works, we would be less well informed on the subject. Mapping out 
alignments accomplishes three important goals. First, it provides hard credible 
documentary evidence that will, in time, build a growing repository of 
information which apparently does not yet exist on the Earth. 
By creating such a library of independent factual proof, we help to encourage 
those who are reticent of ley line existence to reconsider their own position on 
the matter. It will hopefully convince even the most ardent sceptic! And by 
making this library “visible” and available to all, we thus “disclose” the concept 
of ley lines and Earth energies. The more proof we can collect, coordinate and 
establish commonality for, the more the global ley line community will develop. 
Hence, the more “light of consciousness” imbues the ley lines themselves. 
Second, our developing library of maps will enable others to return to these sites 
for a variety of purposes including regular and vital “maintenance”. Third and most obviously, absence of detailed ley line routes on a local level potentially 
impedes, even prohibits, cleansing them of their toxicity. A route map enables 
visibility of ley line connectivities, their energy carrying capacities and angular 
directions within the landscape, not least what power centres they serve; all of 
these factors may be important to how the purging process is carried out. The 
task could be likened to unblocking a complex drain pipe system for which a 
routing plan is often essential. 
So, mapping is, therefore, believed to be a pre-requisite part of the long term 
strategy. In fact, many of the messages requested ley line maps for their 
locality. Unfortunately, these are not always easy to find and more often than 
not they have to be generated from first principles using standard environmental 
maps and other detection methods. 
Many have asked, “how can I help?” and “what can be done?” And , therefore, 
my advice would be to start mapping and become familiar with your landscape 
and their leys lines. It will take time to extract this information so it is advisable 
to make preparations as soon as possible. 
A fair number of messages also requested relevant background reading material. 
Accordingly, a brief literature list is appended at the end of this update. 
For those residing in Europe and seeking detailed maps to be going on with, I 
would advise obtaining access to Xavier Guichard’s works – Eleusis Alesia. This 
book, which contains a great number of detailed maps, is often difficult to 
obtain. However, it has been made fully available on the internet. 
And Finally ... 
Veronica asked me to mention this information which she passed on to me in the 
autumn of last year. 
On 14 January 2012, Veronica Keen had a reading with a psychic named Louise. 
At that time, I never even knew Veronica as we were not to meet until 28 
August 2012. 
However, it was during this reading that Louise said these precise words ... 
“Who is Mark? He is on the Earth plane. You will hear from him. 
Groundbreaking my dear. You have no idea. It will go worldwide.” 
So, until the next update. 
Mark Recommended Literature 
I have prepared a list of what I have considered to be seminal European works 
which I would suggest: 
Ley Lines : Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites – Alfred Watkins 
(1855-1935) : (First Published, 1922) 
The Old Straight Track : Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones – Alfred 
Watkins (1855-1935) : (First Published, 1925) 
Eleusis Alesia : Enquête Sur les Origines de la Civilisation Européenne – Xavier 
Guichard (1870-1947) : (Abbeville Imprimerie F. Paillart, Published 1936) 
The New View Over Atlantis – John Michell (1933-2009) : (Thames & Hudson, 1983); 
Ancient Energies of the Earth : A Groundbreaking Exploration of the Earth’s Natural 
Energy and How It Affects Our Health – David Cowan with Anne Silk (Thorsons, First 
Published, 1999) 
I would especially like to point out the extended body of field work undertaken 
by the late Hamish Miller (1927-2010) and Paul Broadhurst; for it was Hamish 
who hand-forged my own iron dowsing rods from his sacred site in Cornwall. His 
detailed mapping of the Michael-Mary lines in England is contained in ... 
The Sun and the Serpent : An Investigation into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and 
Paul Broadhurst (Pendragon Press, 1989) 
For those interested in the Apollo-Athena/Michael-Mary axis traversing from 
Ireland, Cornwall, France, Italy, Greece to Israel, then the following publication 
could be of interest ... 
The Dance of the Dragon : An Odyssey into Earth Energies – Hamish Miller and Paul 
Broadhurst (Mythos, 2007) 
For our friends in New Zealand, Hamish and his co-researcher Barry Brailsford 
also prepared ... 
In Search of the Southern Serpent : A Journey into the Power of Place – Hamish Miller 
& Barry Brailsford (2006) 
I also commend these smaller pocket introductory guides ... 
Leys : Secret Spirit Paths in Ancient Britain – Danny Sullivan (Wooden Books, 2000) 
Earth Grids : The Secret Patterns of Gaia’s Sacred Sites – Hugh Newman (Wooden 
Books, 2008) 

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