No Need to Fear a Major False Flag

There’s a compendium of messages from the Company of Heaven on all issues we fear and what the truth of the situation is: It’s called “Ready-Reference Guide: There’s No Need to Fear” and can be found athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/911-essays/ready-reference-guide-theres-no-need-to-fear/#9111
Before starting out I need to add the rider that the Company of Heaven does not have authority to interfere with individual acts of violence such as the shootings we’ve seen or in small acts of terrorism. These fall under the law of freewill.
But no major event like the imposition of martial law, or the shutting down of a nation’s electrical grid, etc., will be permitted to happen, out of respect for Gaia’s free will in the matter, which trumps our own (as Matthew Ward makes clear below).
SaLuSa said in 2010: “Be assured you are safe from any attempt to create a major incident that will give the dark ones more power over you.” (1) His colleague Ker-On agreed: “The line has been drawn against certain activities that would endanger life on and beyond your Earth, and [the dark] are therefore curtailed in what they can do.” (2)
The events of 9/11 are what caused a shift in the attitude of the Company of Heaven towards false-flag incidents. Keep in mind what Matthew Ward says, that the purpose of that event was “to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples.” (3)
He explains that some false flags could not be prevented in earlier years:
“While we cannot assure that never will any terrorist acts be successful, we absolutely can assure that none on the scale of 9/11, as currently being speculated, will happen. We have mentioned before that the major terrorist acts, such as the bombing of the trains in Spain, are planned and executed by the so-called ‘Black Ops’ faction of the CIA. It was explained that the light forces who have been counteracting major efforts were duped by false information from an Illuminati ‘mole’ and thus were not in position to thwart that tragedy.
“However, there has been complete success in causing the failure of other, similar dark efforts. Only the random acts carried out by individuals whose longstanding opposition to the forces that have subjugated them are beyond the control of the light forces on and off-planet. Given the hatred, determination and perseverance of these individuals who are willing to die along with their victims, these random acts will continue until the light of the higher frequencies touches the hearts of people on both sides.” (4)
But, on a later occasion, he revealed that the Creator has acceded to Gaia’s wishes that not further false flags on the scale of 9/11 will be permitted.
“By Creator’s law that governs life in this universe, never are lighted beings allowed to interfere with the free will decisions of any persons. This includes even our personal family members living on Earth who are tending toward decisions that will incur heavy hardships they didn’t choose in their soul contracts.
“The only exception to that law of honoring free will is Creator’s own – it cannot be used to start a nuclear war. In accordance with Earth’s free will decision made immediately after ’9/11,’ no other major terrorism effort can succeed. In both cases, it is God’s responsibility to prevent all such attempts. He has authorized civilizations with preventive technology to comply with those mandates, and they have done so successfully on more than a dozen occasions.” (5)
If you buy the reliability of channeled messages, then we have been given a unanimous indication from the Company of Heaven that no large false-flag operations can or will succeed on the planet. Therefore there’s no chance any longer that martial law will be imposed, a major black operation will be launched, or a man-made tsunami, earthquake or pandemic will be thrust onto Earth’s population. We are beyond those days now.
(1) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) Ker-On of Venus, Oct. 22, 2008, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 14, 2008, athttp://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(4) Matthew’s Message, May 28, 2004.
(5) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2012.
by Steve Beckow
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