Thank you Steve and your Guides!
Mid-2013 Update on Disclosure – Part 1/2

Stephen Cook posted Google’s interactive video of an engaging little star being on World Disclosure Day. I can reproduce the static image but not the video itself. It must be a sign of change that Google would post such a video.
If you saw it, you’d have noticed the continuing tendency to associate extraterrestrials with variations on the little Grey body type. It still hasn’t sunk into the collective consciousness that most extraterrestrials around the planet at the present time are our ancestors and look almost exactly like us.
Looking back over the last two months, Mira of the Pleiades told us on June 11 that fear was still the reason the galactics hold back. “Events are progressing,” he said, “until it is the right time for our full contact with you. We want this to occur in love, joy and truth, far away from fear.” (1)
These comments come against a backdrop of “alien invasion” movies concentrating on themes like predation, abduction, mutilation, etc.
On July 4, the Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild also said that terrestrial fear is what has the star beings hold back.
“You must understand the reason why … as yet … we have not done ‘The Big Display’ that you are all asking for.
“So many of you KNOW us. So many of you have awoken and KNOW without question we are with you. Even though you may have your human doubting days.
“Yet so many of you have not awoken and we would simply put so many in to fear and panic and this is not how we wish our welcoming to be.” (2)
Wes Annac asked the Pleiadian High Council for an update on Disclosure and was given a wide-ranging discussion of our readiness and their actions.
“We and plenty others have been telling you dearest souls for quite a while in your concept of time that the small trickles of disclosure coming through your mainstream media would soon begin to pick up, and the continual works that are being brought about by humanity, rather than us, speak to this truth.” (3)
They predicted that the tendency to laugh at the idea of extraterrestrials and ridicule those who support Disclosure would soon stop.
“So very much is being done to bring forth disclosure, in a way that’s as accepted by your mainstream as it can be. While much of your mainstream media has still largely laughed away the recent Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, the subject will soon be in the forefront of the collective consciousness of humanity and will no longer be seen as a subject to laugh about.
“The very idea of our existence has been presented to humanity in a way that’s meant to demean its credibility or the likelihood of humanity finding Life on other planets beyond yours, but truly, we are all right here with you and we have always been.” (4)
The Pleiadians tell us that negative extraterrestrials are no longer permitted around the planet but the tales of abductions and mutilations continue and strike fear in people.
“While the Citizen’s Hearing was partly focused on the works of the negative extraterrestrials who no longer have the range of freedom on your surface that they did when they were mutilating your dear animals; the presence of the Light is on your world to stay and such lower interests won’t be and haven’t been allotted on your world to perform their deeds or sacrifices…
“The Illuminati as you know them have largely accepted, been a part of and helped in the mutilations of your dear animals on the part of malevolent factions of the Zeta race, but many of the top levels of such negative (Zeta) factions currently experience a form of containment much purer than what the cabal-heads experience.” (5)
They acknowledge that “we’re working on so many different facets of the overall purging of darkness from this entire Universe.” (6)
“So very much progress is being made in the realms beyond your physical understanding, and even in your physical realms you’re seeing trickles and waves of disclosure, which we’re happy to proclaim will only expand.” (7)
They ask us to be ready for a tsunami of disclosure.
“The revelations you’ll find will be uprooting indeed, and as we and plenty of others have in the past, we ask you with Love to prepare yourselves and to be ready to be hit with a tsunami of disclosure that will truly boggle your minds.” (8)
So we have still not reached the place where fear levels have fallen enough to permit Disclosure but events are moving forward quickly. Tomorrow we’ll discuss the tie-in between Disclosure and the abundance program.
(Continued in Part 2. You’re welcome to read ahead.)
by Steve Beckow
(1) “A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council,” channelled by Valerie Donner, June 11, 2013, at
(2) “The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: July 4, 2013,” at
(3) “Channeled Pleiadian Interview: Awakening to Pollution, Increasing Disclosures and Understanding Energetic Alchemy,” by Wes Annac, June 11, 2013 at
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Loc. cit.
Mid-2013 Update on Disclosure – Part 2/2

Suzanne Lie’s Arcturians tell us that “humans are not yet ready” for Disclosure. (1) They explain what will make us ready: an expansion of consciousness from embracing only the personal to embracing the planetary.
“As you move into your higher states of consciousness you no longer see yourself as a person. You see yourself as a collective of humanity, then you see yourself as a national consciousness and that’s why nations are going through their throes of battling their darkness.
“And as more and more nations battle their darkness, then these national consciousness move into a planetary consciousness and as a planetary consciousness sweeps through Gaia, then we will be able to land.” (2)
Ashtar speaking through Philipp Schlienger tells us that the announcement of the abundance program may make us ready for Disclosure. He begins by painting a picture of the excitement the introduction of abundance will cause.
“You were told that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. Additionally, you were told that the dark Ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any longer. This we can confirm, and you will also see why this is so important.
“In the coming days and weeks you will learn more about it and – even better – you will experience it. We are looking forward to seeing how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: ‘Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?’
“After this short period you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This in itself will lift you up a great deal, and your vibrations will be raised to a higher degree.” (3)
He asks us: “So why do I, Ashtar, tell you this?” And he reveals the link to Disclosure.
“Because the joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical to, and will form the basis of Disclosure taking place.” (4)
He explains galactic thinking on the matter.
“What do you think might happen now if we were to carry out a mass flyover? Would the majority of people react with fear and terror? How would your existing financial system react? Would it not result in more violence and chaos?
“So now ask yourself, what would it be like if humanity is first lifted up by a new and fair financial system? The joy and happiness resulting from the old shackles of the present unfair economic system being stripped away, and everyone feeling freed from the yoke of slavery by the new financial transformation?
“Do you not think as well, that this will automatically resolve many of your current problems? And based on that, Disclosure – that your Star family is here and once again would like to unite with you – will be much better received?
“Thus, we can confirm what others have reported – and many of you already guess – that Disclosure will take place as soon as the necessary steps to implement the new, fair economic system have successfully taken place. Then we can come to you and present you with all that we have already announced to you.” (5)
Not far behind abundance, he predicts, will be the entrance of our star family.
“And from your point of view the most wonderful thing is, probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years until this fundamental transformation of your economic system gathers speed and becomes apparent to everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can also be assured that Disclosure will not be long in coming.” (6)
Back in April, St. Germaine through Meline Lafont also linked Disclosure and NESARA:
“As is generally known, Disclosure is a part of Nesara, as Nesara is way more than just the funds. Nesara also has to do with your freedom and your self-enrichment into a much higher world and … consciousness. …
“Have faith in the Nesara project and in Disclosure, it will all benefit you greatly and it will take place when the collective hearts are ready for it. And that is what is transpiring now and, as a lot has already taken place and is occurring behind closed doors, it can happen in any moment of the NOW.” (7)
So the galactics tell us that the expansion of our consciousness to take in more than just ourselves or even our nations, but to take in the whole planet is needed before we’ll be ready to welcome the star beings. The advent of the abundance program will raise energy and excitement levels on the planet to the point where our fears may be overcome and our excitement may extend to welcoming our star family.
by Steve Beckow
(1) “Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians on Heavenly Blessings,” July 2, 2013, Part 2/3 at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Ashtar Speaks: The Transformation of your Financial World as the Basis for Disclosure,” channelled by Philipp, June 12, 2013, at
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) “Apr 14 2013 Saint Germain ~ Nesara: As you know, all new pairs of shoes have to be walked in before they feel comfortable ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont,” at
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