*** gavin

On the same day Pope Benedict resigned, lightning struck the Vatican. This was a powerful geo-synchronicity event -- easy to understand, and with profound implications -- once you see it in context.
Although the changes still seem to be moving at glacially-slow speeds, we are continuing to see signs of very positive developments.
This doesn't surprise me -- as we live in a conscious, living universe. The Source Field Investigations is where I made my case.
I am working non-stop to finish the first draft of the sequel right now -- but I had to stop for a minute to report on these incredible developments.
Human life is not an anomaly reserved to one planet. The universe is literally teeming with life -- everywhere and anywhere it can grow.
Once this becomes known and accepted on a widespread level, it is arguably going to be the biggest shift in perspective in our own recorded history.
DNA is written into the laws of quantum mechanics. There is enough scientific proof that this has now become an indisputable fact.
I first became aware of this concept of energetic DNA-forming waves when I found the Law of One material in 1996 -- and it utterly changed my life.
Now that I am cranking on my new book deadline, and very close to the finish line, I am highly immersed in the Law of One material again -- and it feels great.
The Law of One philosophy lets us know that all is well. The things that are happening on earth are part of a grand illusion that is intended to help us all grow into more loving and honorable people.
The signs continue to get more and more interesting, and provocative, telling us big stuff is coming soon.
Recently we had another geo-synchronicity -- a manifestation of synchronicity on a worldwide scale. This one was a lot bigger than the Super Bowl blackout.
It seems appropriate that this article happens to be the 1,111th piece of content we've posted to Divine Cosmos -- if you look at the link.
Lightning struck the Vatican on the same day that Pope Benedict spontaneously resigned.
Considering how decrepit Pope John Paul II looked in the final years of his life, no one believed this was actually due to health reasons. And then lightning struck.

The media is openly tracking the story -- and sees that we are not being told the truth.
In fact, it is being openly discussed that a "secret gay group" has been running the show -- with murderous effectiveness.
I guess that's one way to describe the Cabal. Fair enough.
Pope Benedict Resigned Partly Because of Secret Gay Group
Was the pope under the influence of a secretive "gay lobby" within the Vatican itself?
That's the claim put forth by Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica.
On Thursday, the popular paper published an article alleging that Pope Benedict XVI's decision to resign this month was partly prompted by a report that accused Vatican officials of being under the influence of several internal lobbies, reportedly including a gay one.
The Irish Times reports that Benedict commissioned the report after the Vatileaks scandal broke last year. The report, written by a trio of cardinals, concluded that "various lobbies within the Holy See were consistently breaking" the sixth and seventh commandments, "thou shalt not commit adultery" and "thou shalt not steal."
(The sixth commandment referencing adultery has historically been tied to the Catholic Church's doctrine banning homosexuality.)….
Scandalous revelations involving the Vatican and gay sex have been published by La Repubblica before. In 2010, the newspaper revealed wiretaps and police documents that showed a Vatican chorister and an elite papal usher had been involved with a gay prostitutes ring. Both men were dismissed from their duties, the Telegraph notes.
La Repubblica's allegations are only the latest in a string of theories relating to the pope's sudden departure,which has prompted rampant speculation.
Benedict himself has further confused matters with his Ash Wednesday homily, in which he referenced vague internal "divisions."
“I am thinking in particular of the sins against the unity of the church, of the divisions in the body of the church," Benedict said, according to the Washington Post.
It was quite stunning to see this huge lightning bolt strike the Vatican on the same day.
And... someone was there to photograph it, in the ideal location, right as it happened.
Furthermore, it didn't strike "just any old place."
It hit the literal equivalent of the eye at the top of the triangle.
In this case, that would be the very peak of the main dome of the main building in the Vatican -- namely St. Peter's.

In Law of One terms, lightning is one of the "archetypes" in the mind of the Galaxy -- which is called the Logos.
Even mainstream media had to question whether this was "a sign from God" -- as we see in the above Daily Mail caption.
When seen in full context, this event is extremely, extremely interesting.
On the very same day that The Source Field Investigations came out -- August 23, 2011 -- the entire East Coast of the United States shook with a very strange 5.5 earthquake.
People all over the East Coast felt a sickening, churning movement of the ground under their feet -- causing widespread fear and concern.
This same earthquake literally cracked the capstone of the Washington Monument -- right where the All-Seeing Eye would be.
Insider sources revealed that the black-ops world had been thrown into a total panic -- once we understand what caused the earthquake.
On this very day, they found out -- once and for all -- that their underground bases were NOT safe havens of refuge.
These bases were originally built so they could hide out underground after nuking the surface of the earth -- to reduce population, which has long been one of their main goals.
The two most important bases -- the classic Denver Airport base as well as the one right near DC, called "Crystal City" -- in which all top politicians had lavish facilities ready to flee to at a moment's notice -- were spontaneously destroyed.
In the case of Crystal City, the destructive force was so powerful that the entire East Coast shook.
I first wrote this up in September 2011. Then a host of other bases were destroyed soon afterwards -- and this triggered a comprehensive follow-up article.
Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed
Disclosure Imminent? Part II -- Many More Bases Destroyed
I was profoundly inspired by these events. I knew my insiders well enough to be clear that these events really did happen. It was an incredible intervention by higher forces that seemed to have our best interests at heart.
Only three months after these bases were destroyed, I got drawn into the Financial Tyranny investigation -- thanks to extensive dream guidance encouraging me to pursue it.
Additionally, the underground base destructions were bigger and more dramatic examples of an apparent battle between positive ET humans and the Cabal that had already become publicly visible the year before.
A massive string of bizarre EMP-type equipment failures occurred -- beginning right AFTER the date where I had been told, in advance, that a positive faction in China had delivered an ultimatum to the Cabal.
For this same reason I titled the series "China's October Surprise." All of this is critically valuable context.
The Super Bowl blackout I wrote about in the previous update was a perfect continuation of this type of strategy.
Disclosure, "The Event" and China's October Surprise -- Part I
China's October Surprise Part II: Earth's Quarantine Has Lifted
China's October Surprise Part III: The Fight for Disclosure
China's October Surprise Part IV: Live Radio Show
So again, the Washington Monument capstone cracked on the same day that they lost Crystal City -- their best place of refuge if they ever created a huge disaster.
Insider testimony has since revealed that a total of at least 28 bases have been wiped out. Each of these bases could hold 65,000 personnel -- or more.
Apparently the method of destruction was perfected so that earthquakes did not continue to happen -- or were only minimal.
In each case, staff and equipment were "portaled" out in advance, to an unknown location. No radioactivity was used. The air pressure inside the base would suddenly, massively increase, causing everything to break apart inside.
The damage is so extensive, in each of these cases, that rebuilding is literally the equivalent of starting over from scratch -- and the Cabal is now out of money, thanks to a focused, worldwide resistance effort.
Unfortunately, we don't know the exact number of bases this has happened to -- because the flow of information completely dried up as of early spring 2012.
Nonetheless, the cracking of the capstone of the Washington Monument was a very intriguing geo-synchronicity.
Once I heard what all the top insiders were telling me, I realized that this crack was not an accident -- it was by design.
I dramatized this event with a Photoshopped image of lightning striking the monument -- and put it out beginning on September 16, 2011.
I had no idea, at the time, that this would have a real-world counterpart -- on the capstone of the Vatican.
And not just any day -- but the very day that Pope Benedict suddenly and mysteriously resigned.
The 22-part Major Arcana of the Tarot apparently goes back to Atlantean times, and was given to us by ETs to reveal the patterns of the mind we all share.
Each card represents a cluster of experiences that we all go through -- and we must go through -- as evolving souls.
Lightning is one of the 22 archetypes. In modern form it is the Lightning-Struck Tower, Tower of Destruction or just "The Tower."

If you're doing a Tarot spread for yourself, you really don't want to see The Tower come up. It's arguably the most intense and difficult card that can appear.
The lightning represents Divine energy coming into physical manifestation.
This Divine energy manifests, seemingly out of nowhere, to collapse the towers of materialism that we build.
The king and queen you see plunging to their deaths in the card were negative, Cabal-type dictators.
This archetype means that ALL efforts to enslave humanity must ultimately be destroyed -- by direct, blatant Divine Intervention.
I saw this same symbol happen with the Washington Monument capstone event -- even though no literal lightning struck.
The fact that this occurred on the same day we released The Source Field Investigations -- which was a treasure-chest of planet-healing science suppressed by the Cabal -- was very interesting.
Now we've had this Vatican event -- where the lightning was quite literal, not metaphorical.
by David WIlcock
To read the rest of this fascinating article, please go here:
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