"And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too"
"So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere"
"Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body"
Thank you Lauren and the Pleiadians!
*** gavin
New Year! So not only did we make it to 2013… a very sacred, powerful,
wildly creative, alchemical & transformative (13) year…but to a new
(golden) world age. Tho its hard to wrap my head around what that means
for me/you/us just yet, a congratulations is definitely in order. The full-on celebrations have not quite begun…we still have some denser-body integrating to do
…but if you pay close attention, you can feel the party starting in your heart.

There is so much I could write about
since my last report which was technically a month ago, yet feels like
an entire lifetime ago…and for many, this is exactly true. We are
literally now living an entirely new life since the soul merge that took
place between the 12:12:12 and the 12:21, the sacred (re)union within
us that I have referred to in the past as our “spiritual sweet-spot”,
the marriage of the divine masculine/feminine forces…where spirit meets
matter, where head meets heart, where soul meets body, where ascension
What Now?
The Pleiadians say that though we now
have uninterrupted access to this exalted state of BEing, we of course
still need to wait for our denser bodies (emotional/physical) to catch
up…no surprise there. And this is what we are doing now during this
transition period that will apparently be in effect until the March
equinox. For those on this journey a long time, no doubt you are well
versed in the process of integration…first, the arrival of a new
vibration and the bliss that accompanies the enormous spiritual and
mental body expansion. Then comes the emotional clearing (read:
plummeting), and the physical mutation (read: pain) required to release
any fear based programs/memories lodged in our lower bodies/cells.
The ongoing emotional clearing &
physical mutation has been happening for many of us for multiple years,
intensifying acutely in 1999, and (I am told) will complete
in 2013 for a large percentage of those reading this. For some
(especially indigos, bluerays & starseed walk-ins), honoring this
transformation process translated into a prolonged period of solitude,
and in some cases, isolation and even physical incapacitation so that
the cellular changeover to our divine template could take place. And
this was no joke…the heightened stimulation of the external world was so
overwhelming to these sensitive souls that often the only choice was to
stay in the self-created safe space of home…for years and years.
This process has been nothing short of a
g o n i z i n g for those held captive within it, and no one but those
going thru the intense metamorphosis/physical mutation can or will
understand the journey to arrive here. Having said all that, the
Pleiadian councils assure us that we are already beginning to turn our
VERY inward journey, outward…that we have indeed “arrived”, even if it
(temporarily) feels otherwise.
This is not the kind of arrived
as in times past where we would come forth through a wave of clearing
and land on new dimensional ground, but more of a vibrational
homecoming, a completeness, a full (cellular) anchoring into whats true.
Before now, we were slowly integrating each wave as it would wash over
us in sometimes crippling ways, but I am reminded to let go of those
“habits” now…that this is no longer a reality and things move much
faster here.
Beginning with the winter solstice, each
of us came “online” in an entirely new and unique way. This point of
“arrival” is not the same for everyone, granted, but there is a
similarity by which we will all be able to relate to…a shared connection
to what’s true, a sense of heartfelt unity, the realization and
actualization of uncompromised LOVE.
The Unseens also mention that there are
many of you reading this who are searching in earnest for the next step
to your journey/purpose, feeling the urgency to move forward/make
changes, but with NO IDEA what that means or how. They are making it
very clear to me that this is not the time to do that…that the uncertainty that surrounds us now is all the clarity we need to truly honor the stillness.
The dust will settle and the clouds will
clear as we get closer to the equinox, but in the meantime, this sacred
passage is best utilized by feeling our way around and allowing our
selves/lives to settle into our new grooves. This transition period is
so essential and should be welcomed with open arms for soon we will not
have the time, nor the interest in such introspection. We are being
asked to cherish these final moments of non-action, to nurture the
innocence of our newborn selves, and to utilize this time effectively to
nourish our flesh and to embrace each moment of newness now that we are
finding new parts of ourselves, in this very new space, and with such
new perspective.
There will be so much for us to take in
that the unseens implore us to spend our time/energy embracing this new
level of attainment and slowly, intentionally, opening ourselves up to
the heights of where this journey of LOVE will lead us. (Also worth
mentioning that if you are having difficulty accessing your connection
to Source during this time of recalibration, I am hearing that the period of disconnect will pass shortly and your woes will be abated.)
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What Next?
Directly following 12/21 we were given a glimpse into the new world that awaits us…and it was nothing short of miraculous.
We have entered into unity and
downloaded the first waves of cosmic LOVE. Since that initial blast of
LOVE, a lot of human heaviness has been kicked up all around us…the
difference now is that we have a definite choice/ability to steer clear
of it all.
These waves will come in succession and
will wash over us revealing new layers of awakening, of opening…each
with a specific resonance and attunement. Right now the waters are still
muddy, but they will soon run clear and the council assures us that as
we enter into this exalted state of human divinity, revelations will be
our new normal.
We are clearly still in a holding
pattern, and we will be for a bit longer as we make our physical
transition. Since we are crossing over WITH our physical bodies, the
process needs time…but with the option of full presence and the absence
of past and future, somehow even this holding period is more bearable.
But what the Pleiadians want most for us to acknowledge during this time is that we are all emissaries of LOVE, warriors of the priesthood, and divine-galactic citizens of this planet and many star nations.
We have graduated from duality, walked
in procession with our fellow initiates to join with each other in
divine embrace while we received our diplomas. Now, with credentials in
hand, we need to take the time to carefully decide what we will do with
our hard-earned honors. The world awaits us, and…as we say goodbye to
all life’s teachers and teachings and bless every intolerable hardship
with gratitude….we are beginning to feel ready for it!
By Lauren Gorgo
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