Thank you David and your Guides!
*** gavin

Are we about to see incredible changes for the positive? Will the end
of the Mayan Calendar bring triumph rather than disaster? It's time to
share the information I've been hearing about major changes we may be
about to see. I hope you enjoy it!
Many people have complained about how long it has been since I wrote the last piece – and I do apologize for that.
There are times where quality is vastly more important than quantity.
This was one of them. I did not know I was going to get pulled into
such an extended "meditation retreat" when this all started.
Shortly after I finished "Will There Be a Quantum Awakening in 2012?",
I finally started getting good sleep again. And with sleep comes dream
data -- considering I've been capturing and analyzing them every morning
for 20 years now.
I had been so stressed out before writing this piece that I was only
getting bits and pieces of data each day -- if anything -- throughout
July and August in particular.
Once I started getting good rest, and published the piece, a series
of intense dreams gave me a very strong message. I was being guided --
nay, just about demanded -- to change my plans. Radically.
I was quite clearly being asked to abandon everything I was already
working on -- which was very complex, including dozens of articles I'd
collected on LIBOR, mass shootings, Illuminati and what have you -- and really get centered in nature.
Most importantly, a series of powerful dreams -- some of which were
nightmares -- told me to completely stop "fighting" the negative elite.
In the most significant dream, a very evil Illuminati character was vigorously battling me.
He was literally an embodiment of Lucifer. He had goat-styled ears
and totally black eyes, but was an otherwise young and rich-looking man.
He was very stylishly dressed in a shiny, custom-tailored tuxedo.
There were a bunch of people around in a super-elite dinner party.
The men were all dressed like he was, and the women all had elegant,
glittering dinner gowns and lavish diamond jewelry.
He seemed to have all of them under some sort of hypnotic control.
I had somehow gotten invited to this party. There was an attractive
woman there who I recognized as an old friend. She took a strong
romantic interest in me.
At this point I had no idea that anything strange was going on. She
was delighted to see me, clearly had a very strong attraction, and
wanted to do something about it -- as soon as possible.
I was completely shocked when this athletic-looking man then
levitated down from the ceiling, right next to her -- and began staring
me down.
First he spoke to her quite harshly -- and she felt very ashamed. She turned her head and covered her face.
Then, SNAP! He turned to me. Suddenly, his eyes were totally black -- and he had the ears of a goat. I almost vomited from fear.
It was Lucifer -- and apparently I was caught trying to steal his girlfriend!
I realized he had everyone under hypnotic control. I was the only one there who could see what he really looked like.
She had been starting to wrestle free -- just a bit -- but I wasn't under his control at all.
My "betrayal" caused him to become extremely angry. He attacked me -- and made all sorts of outrageous threats.
For some reason, I got totally calm, went into "warrior mode," and had absolute confidence that I could defeat him.
I suddenly found that I had similar abilities as he did -- including
teleportation, telekinesis, et cetera -- but I was better at it than he
The battle we fought was quite epic -- and would make an incredible
movie scene if it could be done properly. Forget about "The Matrix."
This was CRAZY.
As he attacked me, these people in the party just continued right
along, laughing and drinking champagne, as if nothing was happening --
even as stuff was flying all around them.
I was never actually damaged or even touched in this battle. It was more about his bravado -- and trying to create the fear.
He said lots of scary-sounding things as he appeared and disappeared around the room -- but I could never quite reach him.
After an extended battle, in which he seemed to get progressively weaker and weaker, there was a sudden scene change.
Now I was with a few other people in a room next to where the party
had been. It was an archaic-looking stable, made out of weathered wood,
with hay all over the floor.
About three other guys and I were standing there, arms crossed, looking down at this moldering brown skeleton in the hay.
The skeleton appeared to have a certain degree of small jewels and
gold nuggets encrusted into its browning surface -- and it glittered.
Now he couldn't move around anymore. I had him. Finally!
I grabbed a sledgehammer on the wall. I held it high over my head --
and prepared to bash his head in with it. I wanted to finish him off --
once and for all.
It sounded like I was hitting metal. Then -- to make matters worse -- the skull immediately started growing thicker!
I whacked his skull again. It continued growing even more! This was quite a disturbing phenomenon to watch. What the hell was happening?
Someone who had been watching all this on the sidelines -- actually a
person from India or Southeast Asia -- suddenly begged me to stop
pounding on the skeleton at this point.
"Please stop!" this person said. "He's almost gone now. If you attack him it will only make him stronger!"
by David Wilcock
As always, please go directly to David's site to finish reading his update:
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