Thank you President Obama, Steve, and both your Guides ...and so it is!
*** gavin
The Pressure's on President Obama

Today (Aug. 4, 2012) is the President’s birthday and no one is under more fire and pressure from the dark than he is.
Periodically the cabal floats rumors that the President has taken an action that threatens free speech or promotes the possibility of martial law, etc. One such announcement concerned what was billed as an agreement to turn the Internet kill switch over to the Department of Homeland Security. Archangel Michael corrected my interpretation of that announcement.
Steve: Lord, … I’d like to ask you about
some late-breaking news stories that seem to deserve comment. One is
that there’s a story up on the 2012 Scenario site that President Obama
has signed an executive order turning control of communications over to
the Department of Homeland Security.
Could you tell us what this move signifies, please? Why would the President hand the internet kill switch to DHS?
AAM: That is an incorrect understanding….
He is handing over the responsibility for [emergency broadcasts] if
there is a national emergency, such as a tsunami or an interruption
because of war or civil unrest. But it is simply his fail-safe switch,
if he was taken out of responsibility. This is not something unusual.
This is something that has been in place for many, many presidencies.
On another occasion, we all jumped when it was said that President Obama had declared a “national emergency” and “ordered blocked all property and interests in property of the Government of the Russian Federation directly related to the implementation of the HEU Agreements so that it would be protected from the threat of attachment, garnishment, or other judicial process.” But later it was found that the order was a continuation of an order that originated in 2000. (2)
The cabal and the controlled media use every occasion to blacken the President’s reputation. SaLuSa tells us that there are “continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position, to show him in a bad light.” (3) It’s up to us to see through these attempts or to come from faith in his real character.
SaLuSa tells us that the President needs to play along with the Illuminati for a little while longer.
“Be aware that he is a great Being of
Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to ‘play’ along
with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of
success even although he has faced opposition all along.” (4)
SaLuSa requests that we understand his position and continue to support him: “He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.” (5)
According to SaLuSa the President, “as we have stressed many times, is a great soul of the Light. He is already taking actions that will aid our allies in bringing the Cabal to answer for their crimes.” (6) He assures us that “the US Government will still have Barack Obama amongst those retained ” (7)
Last October, Hatonn told us that the President knew about Ascension and was working against the cabal.
“Obama now knows we have him covered and
he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media
report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he
knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be
either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down
Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (8)
Sometimes the President is obliged to sign a bad law into effect to avert tragedy or signs it into effect because he knows that it will soon be rescinded. Remember that the Murrah Building in Oklahoma was bombed to speed the passage of the first Patriot Act and 9/11 was also designed in part to speed the second Patriot Act through. So the dark are known for causing tragedies to get legislation passed.
Matthew has said that “laws, policies, regulations and practices that are unjust or injurious will be overturned” as we head into the Fourth Dimension by the end of the year. (9 SaLuSa, in his Aug. 3, 2012 message, tells us that any legislation which continues to take away civil rights will not last.
“Remember that regardless of what changes
to the Law are proposed, very few will ever see the light of day. It is
for example like the present arguments over the gun law, as even if the
anti-gun lobby get their way they will never achieve their goal. It
will not be long before governmental changes take place, and new Laws
and amendments to the Constitution will be rescinded.
“That will eventually apply world wide as
with each step your freedom will be returned to you. It will not fully
happen until after Ascension, but at least any draconian or unjust Laws
will have been removed.” (10)
SaLuSa told us this before, as on Feb. 22, 2012.
“You will be freed from the many unjust
laws that the dark Ones have brought in, and people unfairly imprisoned
will be released. It sounds like a lot of time will be needed to bring
it all about, but you shall be astonished at how quickly matters will
move. We come nearer to that time when it shall commence in such a way,
that you will know for certain what is taking place.” (11)
Matthew Ward also reminded us of this in July of 2008:
“Plans based in darkness will not come to
fruition and all cruel and unjust laws, policies and traditions will be
struck down and in their stead, love and fairness will reign.” (12)
He made another reference to it in March of this year:
“As Earth continues apace into
successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any
form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws
and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.” (13)
Matthew reminds us of the dangers the Obamas have faced over the years that have necessitated them stepping wisely and cautiously.
“What we didn’t disclose before is that
light warriors came from his homeland to protect him and his family from
the band of dark reptilians, also from another planet, that the
Illuminati hired to kill the Obamas. This shows the extent of the dark
ones’ fear that this president would end their long reign, and they are
right. Very soon they will have no more means to buy assassins, members
of Congress or multitudes of lobbyists—then all will see the light in
Obama and herald his wise leadership and actions toward world unity.”
Saying this does not mean that the President hasn’t made mistakes, as Archangel Michael reminds us:
“Particularly this one – it does not mean
that he does not ever get sidetracked. It does not mean that he never
missteps. But he is your star brother, and we suggest that you trust
him. There is a bigger plan afoot.” (15)
And we all know that he went along with the subterfuge that Osama bin Laden had been killed a second time. Matthew explains how that decision was reached.
“On and off-planet members in the
vanguard of the light forces … agreed that something dramatic was
required to get the peoples’ attention; however, because it is your
world, it was up to your leaders to decide what that would be.
Announcing that members of other civilizations are among you required
resolving myriad details before it could be properly presented, and the
suggestion that all truths be told straightforwardly was vetoed because
there was no agreement as to which should be revealed first—in essence,
which finger should be pulled out of the dike.
“Some felt that would best be achieved by
announcing the death of Osama bin Laden, the officially accused
mastermind of ’9/11.’ They felt that announcement could be veered into
exposing the truth about the horrific events of that day almost ten
years ago, and it would eliminate fear in the people who believe what
they so often have been told: No one is safe as long as bin Laden is
“Only when that suggestion was raised did
some in the group, including US President Obama, know for certain that
the man had been dead for almost a decade, and those few vehemently
denounced the suggestion. But since no one had any other idea that would
get the attention of the world, the majority voted to ‘kill bin Laden’
and later publicly explain why that story was released.” (16)
Matthew asked us to refrain from judging this deception but to support its intention to speed the disclosure of the truth.
“It can be argued that deception to
achieve a positive goal is “better” than deception to embark upon a
negative goal. It is not our desire or our purpose to judge the
decision, much less judge those who made it, but only to relate the
information given us by Earth’s monitors in Nirvana. They do not know
how the explanation for the decision will come because the responsible
parties are still discussing strategies for the next steps.
“Regardless of how this plays out, by the
end of next year, the light will have vanquished all darkness on
Earth—this has been assured from the beginning of her ascension. You can
best serve in your capacity as lightworkers by neither condoning nor
condemning the bin Laden story, but rather by adding your light to its
intention—to speed disclosure of all truths so reforms also can come
swiftly.” (17)
Matthew reminded us that people not penetrated by the light would choose to believe the lies about Obama, but those penetrated by the light would not.
“Repeatedly I have described Obama’s
highly-evolved soul status, spiritual and moral integrity, purpose and
intention to help create a peaceful world, and both Hatonn and I have
spoken about the powerful and relentless forces Obama has been up
against all along.
“With the light intensity in this energy
plane Earth has reached, people who are light-receptive know which
information about him is the truth and which isn’t; people who have not
responded to the light will believe the lies and won’t be convinced
otherwise by any additional comments from either Hatonn or me.” (18)
The dark uses assassinations like the attempted murder of Gaby Giffords or the mass shootings in Denver to pressure the government into accepting its legislative program. Until the dark are entirely removed from the planet the President must act in ways that avoid inciting the cabal. Granted that the galactics have the authority to head off the large and destructive false flags like a second 9/11. They don’t have permission to curtail the smaller acts of cabal terrorism. As Matthew has said:
“God has authorized ET civilizations to
prevent all major terrorist attempts, which they have done successfully
several times during the three years since September 2001. I have
mentioned this in previous messages along with stating that small events
undertaken by zealots dedicated to avenging perceived wrongs against
their people cannot be thwarted.” (19)
Thus the President has still not reached the point where he can operate without paying attention to the harm that the cabal can create, even if the scope of that harm decreases month by month. Sometimes he may pass bad laws to avoid tragedy, knowing full well that these laws will have a short life and not be allowed to work their desired effect.
by Steve Beckow
(1) “An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, July 16, 2012: You were Perilously Close to Repeating Atlantis – Part 1/2,” at “Text of White House Letter to Congress on Russian Uranium,” at and “Comment on White House Letter (Revised),” at
(3) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2011 at
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) SaLuSa, May 11, 2012.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Hatonn to Steve Beckow through Suzy Ward, Oct. 15, 2010.
(9)Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at
(10) SaLuSa, Aug. 3, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(12) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2008.
(13) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012.
(14) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.
(15) Archangel Michael in An Hour with an Angel, March 5, 2012, at
(16) Matthew’s Message, May 8, 2011.
(17) Loc. cit.
(18) Loc. cit.
(19) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 6, 2004.
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